The Angel Prince

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Aleena 'Queen of the angels' and King Jules were looking all over the kingdom for their youngest son.

Aleena 'sees her oldest son' asked, "Manic. Have you seen your brother?"

Manic asked, "Which one Mum?"

Aleena answered, "Sonic. Have you seen him?"

Manic answered 'polishing his sword of light', "Oh! No I haven't. Not since this morning."

Aleena sighed deeply and muttered, "Why am I not surprised?"

She walks to her husband and asked, "Any luck?"

Jules answered as he shook his head, "No. even Silver hasn't seen him. Darling remind me why we are searching for him?"

Aleena replied, "Sweetie it's the day he attends the Goddess princesses ball tonight. It's time for him to choose a bride darling."

Jules replied to him, "But he's into boys remember?"

Aleena facepalmed and muttered, "Oh right."

Jules then suggested, "Maybe Sonia and Juleka had seen him."

Aleena replied to him, "Only one way to find out."

The two ran off as one of the servants was getting their masks and outfits done.

(Outside the palace)

Sonia and her younger sister 'Juleka' had been talking about how they were smitten on that dark Angel that was rogue and handsome.

Though they were a little bit bitter 'thinking which one will he be with'.

That was when they see Sonic 'their younger brother' walking towards them.

Juleka 'who knew their parents were looking for him' greeted, "Oh. Hello there younger brother. Mother and Father were looking for you."

Sonic asked, "Why so? I was just taking a walk at the kingdom."

Sonia answered her little brother, "Why you are going to attend the Goddess princesses ball tonight. remember?"

Sonic asked as he walked to them with a humble expression, "Was that tonight? I dunno. Someone of the angels that fell for me are fallen angels. I dunno if I can find the right man for me dear sisters."

Juleka replied, "Sure you will brother. I mean who wouldn't? Me and Sonia are still trying to see if the dark Angel Shadow will love either one of us."

Sonia protested, "Not even if he paid you with diamonds Juleka."

That was when Aleena and Jules rushed to him as Aleena said, "Sonic. There you are my precious baby boy."

Jules then said to him as Aleena hugged him, "We've been looking for you son. Come on in, we got to get you ready for the ball tonight. We don't got until sunset to get ready."

Sonic nodded and replied, "Y-yes Father. Right away."

Then the royal family entered the palace as Sonic looked up at the beautiful blue sky above shining brightly as ever.

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