Brothers At Heart

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Sonic was able to find his way back to the kingdom at the same time.

He sighed deeply before he got spooked by Manics voice that said from behind, "Younger Brother!"

Manic was standing behind him with a worried and stern.

Sonic looks down and said, "Manic please do not scare me like that."

Manic asked as he held his brothers shoulders, "Sonic, where have you been? I've been worried about you."

Sonic answered, "I-I was told by P-princess Amy to..."

Manic asked, "Why would the goddess princess want you?"

Sonic looks nervous. As long as he could remember, Manic was the one older sibling that was trusted and loyal.

Manic maybe older than any of the siblings but he was so protective of Sonic. He can be also overly worried.

Even when they were children, Manic still was protective of Sonic. He cherishes and loves his siblings but he always stayed by Sonics side.

Sonic had an uneasy expression before Manic 'with a suspicious expression' asked, "What is going on Sonic?"

Sonic took a deep breath and answered uneasily and softly, "M-Manic? I-I-I'm in love with a demon!"

Manic gasped as his eyes widened at this. Sonic bowed down and said, "I'm sorry big brother b-but I dunno what to do! Plus I can't lie due to the fact I'm the purest Angel prince."

Manic hugged him tight and asked as he looked at Sonic, "He didn't touch you did he? He didn't manipulate you did he?"

Sonic shook his head and answered, "No. h-he didn't hurt me. B-but he w-wasn't like any other demon. H-he was sweet."

Sonic then explained what the demon looked like as he looked down on the floor as he sighed deeply.

Manic looked away and answered with a deep sigh, "Must be the fearless demon prince. I didn't think for a moment. I heard the rumors. Didn't actually think it was true that he had a heart."

Sonic looks down 'saying nothing' fearing his love will never come.

Manic looks at Sonic and said, "Listen. I'm gonna haft to keep this a secret. I'm afraid my time around here won't last."

Sonic looks at his brother and asked, "Why Manic?"

Manic shows his wings to his brother. What Sonic saw gasped.

The feathers in Manics wings were slowly turning black. He was becoming a Dark Angel.

Manic said, "I'm afraid, I'm turning into a dark Angel. It's only a matter of time until I'm exiled. This war is infecting us all."

Sonic 'in fear' as he hugged him and said, "No. big brother. Please don't say that. W-we can find a way. Yer the only brother that was always there for me. Please."

Manic hugged back and said to him, "I know. Listen I will support your secret little brother. It will be a matter of time until it happens. I hope one day this war will end. That is my wish for us."

Sonic replied in tears, "Thank you. Big brother."

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