Secret Feelings

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The next day, Sonic was a little hesitant as he walks around the hallways.

Juleka and Sonia noticed him and they asked where has he been.

Sonic looked down and answered, "Oh, Goddess Princess Amy needed me so I responded straight away."

Though it was a little lie. He and Prince Knuckles were meeting there without one or the other knowing.

Juleka then said, "Well okay but next time let us know immediately."

Sonic replied politely, "I-I would but you both would be too busy fighting all the time."

Sonia replied to her younger brother, "He's got us there Juleka."

Juleka protested angrily, "Shut up Sonia

Sonic replied to her angrily, "No you shut up Juleka!"

That was when Jules voices shouted, "YOU GIRLS BETTER NOT BE FIGHTING!!"

Juleka and Sonia replied 'in a grumpy and pithy child manner', "No Daddy."

Sonic sighed deeply while walking away as he held his right arm by his side.

Who knows what will happen if they found out. Juleka asked as she noticed this, "Os he okay?"

Sonia shrugged with a confused expression.

(Meanwhile with Knuckles)

Knuckles sighed deeply before Tikal caught his attention.

Tikal asked if Knuckles had a moment before Knuckles answered yes.

Tikal then said, "The count of Demons is a nice demon. He was secretly one but I still love him. It's complicated you know."

Knuckles was surprised about this new info before he looked down.

Tikal asked, "What's wrong brother of mine!"

Knuckles answered, "I'm secretly in love."

Tikal asked happily, "With who? You can tell me. I won't tell anyone."

Knuckles didn't hesitate to answer and it wasn't what she had hoped.

Tikal asked quietly and fearfully, "Yer in love with an Angel? Brother? Are you to out of your mind?"

Knuckles sighed deeply and answered, "I know Tikal. But I love this Angel very much. Do not tell Dad and Mom. They won't allow me to be with him."

Tikal 'being the loyal sister she is to her brother' answered, "Okay. I won't. You have my goddamn word big brother. I maybe a demon but it doesn't mean I break promises."

Knuckles sighed deeply as he sat down on a stone bench.

Tikal asked with a curious smile, "So tell me big brother. Who is this cute Angel boy? Is he lovely?"

She asked, "Does he have beautiful eyes."

Knuckles nodded and simply said, "Yeah."

Tikal asked again, "Are his wings pure?"

Knuckles answered, "The purest."

Tikal then asked, "Is his halo golden?"

Knuckles answered uneasily, "Uhh, yeah. It's just that he's..."

He whispered an explanation as Tikal let out a light and surprise gasp.

Tikal looks at her brother and said, "The youngest Angel prince? Oh my. This is so forbidden. So very forbidden."

Knuckles then said, "Look I have secret feelings for him. I mean, if it were you I do the same for you."

Tikal blinked before she replied with a nod of agreement, "It's true. Still, you gotta be a little careful brother. Who knows what Father will do if he  finds out."

Knuckles sighed deeply and replied to his loyal sister, "I know..."

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