Alone on the balcony

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The two princes found themselves on the balcony while they looked at each other eye to eye.

Knuckles had never seen a pure and beautiful angel let alone one that is a prince.

Sonic couldn't believe he 'himself' was in the presence of a demon prince. The first and only son of the demon king.

Sonic said softly to him as he sighed, "I-I'm terribly sorry I never meant to bumped into you like that. It's just that... I don't like the fighting. It's so, intense to the point of me leaving the room."

Knuckles sighed deeply and replied to him as he took his hand, "Hey. It's fine. It's not everyday I... I bump into a beautiful angel prince like you. Believe me. I hate it so much more than any other who secretly hates the fighting. Even the goddess princesses are getting tired of it."

The two princes then got to talking about each other.

Unaware that Princess Ariel sees them with a smile and a quiet gasp.

She signals her sisters 'Alyssa, Amy, and Andrea' to come here to see this.

Ariel quietly said, "Look... You were right Amy."

Amy and the other 3 sees the two princes and they were surprised at this.

Alyssa whispered, "Well I'll be Mother Hera's ghost. I didn't think I see this."

Amy replied, "Yeah. And I sense a beautiful connection towards them."

Andrea then said quietly, "Same here but there's a problem."

Alyssa sighed deeply and replied, "Andreas right. It's forbidden for angels and demons to be in love. But what can we do? Their parents won't allow it."

Ariel asked, "But we are powerful goddess princesses. Daughters of Artemis herself. Should we do something?"

Amy asked Alyssa, "She is right. Alyssa were powerful goddess princesses. Shouldn't we do something?"

Alyssa answered them both, "Yea we are but it doesn't matter. The angels & demons won't like this one bit. These two princes have entered a forbidden love my sisters."

Amy asked, "Should we tell Arizona and the others?"

Alyssa answered as Ariel and Andrea lovingly sighed while looking at them, "That we can do. But if things get intense. We'll haft to do something."

Sonuckles: The Angel And The DemonWhere stories live. Discover now