Romance On The Gazebo Pt. 2

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The two looked at each other with an awkward expression.

That was when Knuckles said as he took Sonics hand, "Listen, this is really fucked up. But... When I saw you, I feel so..."

He trailed off while Sonic replied, "Being the youngest Angel prince is not easy but, I... I wanna.."

That was when Knuckles interrupted his sentence with a kiss and a grabbed him by the waist.

It took the Angel prince by surprise before the demon prince broke the kiss, looking at his pure and beautiful eyes.

Knuckles softly said to him, "Sorry. I just couldn't help it. Someone as beautiful as you I can never ever resist."

Sonic blushed and asked as he looks down, "Oh. You really are not like any other demons. I keep being told that demons are mean but you... Yer different."

Knuckles replied to him, "So are you Angel boy. An angel like you is actually lovely in my eyes. I gotta be honest. I actually am into boys."

Sonic blushed and replied, "Same here. You really are a decent but pure demon."

Knuckles sighed deeply before he walked to the path of roses.

(Kinda like this but with black and white)

(Kinda like this but with black and white)

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Sonic followed and stopped him. Sonic shyly looked away as Knuckles looked at him and said, "Listen. I know things are sudden..."

He trailed off before he said, "Listen. You are the most beautiful and purest Angel I have ever seen and there will be no one as good as you."

Sonic looked at him sadly and replied, "But our parents. They won't let us be together. Not even once will they ever let us..."

Knuckles cut him off as he said while hushing the purest Angel prince, "Shhh, you talk too much. You have nothing to worry about pure one."

He then kissed Sonic once again and the blue hedgehog didn't hesitate to kiss back.

The two then collapsed onto the soft brick path as they continued kissing each other.

The kiss turned into a make out while Sonic held onto Knuckles neck.

The red echidna held onto him while wrapping his arms around his waist.

It was so romantic.

Amy and Alyssa high five each o the while they quietly said, "YES!"

Sonuckles: The Angel And The DemonWhere stories live. Discover now