The Demon Prince

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At the Demon Kingdom, Queen Lara-Lee was picking black flower petals as she sets the petals on fire.

Tikal 'her daughter' walks to her and asked, "Mother? Is there any chance you can convince my brother to go to the ball?"

Queen Lara-Lee asked, "And why should I do that?"

Tikal answered her flatly, "Ugh. Cause he refused to get ready and go."

Lara-Lee muttered, "Oh. I blame Lockes side of the family for this."

She rolled her eyes and replied to her daughter, "Oh fine. I'll go talk to him. Where could I find him?"

Tikal answered, "On the balcony obviously. I swear that's the only place we would find him mother!"

Lara-Lee sighed deeply and replied, "Go complained to your father and I'll go talk to him."

Tikal nodded before she walked off. Lara-Lee sees her son 'Prince Knuckles of the demons' on the balcony.

She flies to the balcony and said, "I thought I find you here son."

Knuckles 'not in the mood to even talk' was setting black flowers on fire as he sighed deeply.

He asked, "What do you want Mother?"

Queen Lara-Lee said to him, "Son? The ball is tonight and your father and I know it's time for you to attend. Like my father before him."

Knuckles answered him in a dull tone, "Not going to happen."

Lara-Lee then said as she sighed stressfully, "Ugh. You are just like your father. I swear. Can't you at least do it for the people son? We are not going to be here forever ya know. Besides we both know you are first in line for the thrown. Your sister is getting married to the count of demons himself ya know."

Knuckles then said to her, "So I heard."

Queen Lara-Lee then said calmly but firmly, "Knuckles. I insist you better attend the ball tonight. It will give you a boy to fall in love with."

Knuckles asked in an irritating tone, "Will you and father and Tikal leave me alone if I do it?"

Lara-Lee smirked in satisfaction and nodded as she said, "Good to know you made up your mind son."

Locke's voice asked, "Stop complaining daughter. I have enough of a headache already with those blasted angels fighting our men."

Knuckles sighed deeply and mumbled, "This is my worst feeling ever. I'll just attend and return. I doubt any boy will catch my eye."

But Knuckles will catch an eye for a boy but not a demon boy.

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