Romance on the Gazebo Pt. 1

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The night was lovely for the angels but it was depressing for the demons.

Two of the goddess princess sisters went to the separate kingdoms.

The angel kingdom was in one of Juleka's and Sonia's shouting matches on who Dark Angel Shadow would be with.

Sonic and his 3 older brothers were just lookin at them.

Sonic asked Juleka politely, "Juleka? Don't you think you should find another fallen Angel that might be as good as Shadow?"

Juleka replied 'in an angered tone with an angered expression' 'not paying attention to her brothers words', "Not now Sonic."

He heard a 'psst' sound before hearing seeing Amy 'motioning him to come here'

Sonic hesitantly walked to her while his brothers and sisters were too busy.

He asked quietly, "Princess Amy? Is there something you need?"

Amy answered him, "I need you to come with me if you don't mind Sonic."

Sonic shook his head before following the Goddess princess.

<demon kingdom>

Knuckles was talking to Tikal about being married to the count of demons and it was making him tense about the count considering she never saw this count at all.

That was when Alyssa grabbed him out of nowhere and said to Tikal, "Excuse me would you princess? I need him."

Tikal blinked as Knuckles was getting dragged away from his sister.

Knuckles demanded, "What is this about? I demand to know what this is about?"

Alyssa replied while pulling him to their kingdom, "You'll see your highness. You'll see."

(A short while later)

Prince Sonic was at the gardens as he asked Amy, "Uhh, your highness. What are we doing here?"

Amy answered, "You will see for yourself Prince Sonic. Oh, I need to help Ariel. I'll be right back."

She walks off as Sonic was confused at this. He left the angelic hedgehog alone.

But that was when he walks across a path filled with beautiful rainbow roses that the goddess princesses have grown with their mother a long time ago.

The blue angelic prince continued to walk down the path. At the same time Knuckles 'who also arrived at the same time as Sonic' was coming into view.

Alyssa and Amy hid behind a swan shaped bush looking at them.

Alyssa whispered, "I hope this works little sister."

Amy replied, "Same here."

At that moment, the 2 princes bumped into each other as soon as they reached the gazebo.

They saw eye to eye while the gazebo shined through the moonlight.

Sonic shyly said, "Oh, hello again."

Knuckles replied while scratching his horn, "Oh, I didn't think I see you again."

Sonic looks down with a blush and said nothing.

He looked at him again and said shyly, "S-same here."

The two had set one foot on the gazebo as the two found themselves feeling their hearts skipped a beat whenever they catch a glimpse of each other.

It was beautiful and also amazing. Sonic wanted to say something so bad but their love wouldn't be possible.

What with Sonic as the purest Angel prince and Knuckles the demon prince it be impossible for them to be together.

Or is it?

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