The Angel Prince and The Demon Prince

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Prince Knuckles looked to see Prince Sonic of the angels dancing elegantly in the angels side.

He couldn't look away from him for a second.

The blue hedgehog was extremely elegant in his eyes.

As much as the demon prince wanted his attention, he can't step into the angel side.

That was when he looked away while thinking and Sonic looks to see him while dancing elegantly.

He gasped lightly as he sees the handsome demon prince before him.

The youngest angel prince was captivated by his demonic and handsome features.

He stopped and thought, "Such an unusual demon. I strangely see some good in him."

Silver 'who sees Sonic looking at the demons' walks to him and said, "Brother. Look away from the demons and focus on dancing."

Manic 'also seeing it' walks to them and said, "Sonic do not look at the demons. We haft to ignore them or they'll start something."

Sonic points to the demon prince and asked quietly, "Who's that demon?"

Manic looks at him before asking, "Hey Silver. Isn't that Demon Prince Knuckles?"

Silver answered as he looked at him, "Yes I believe that is. But let's not worry about that now. Even though he looked like he didn't wanna be here."

Sonic sighed deeply before he asked, "So. Any Angel princesses you found?"

Silver chuckled and replied, "Not exactly. However this purple cat chick looks 'irresistible'."

He then walks off to the purple cat as Manic sighed deeply before he turns to his younger brother and said, "Look. Brother I know you want to see good in everyone but ya gotta face facts. Demons don't like."

Sonic replied to him, "What about the light demons? There's good."

Manic then said to him with a stressful sigh, "True but demons are demons. So Father says.

The two continued to talk as Knuckles looks at the angel prince as he sighed deeply.

Tikal 'who was looking for her brother' sees him before she rushes to him and said, "Knuckles. There you are. Come on before those goodie two shoes snit rag angels get the wrong idea."

An Angel 'who heard that' said in offended, "Hey I heard that!"

Knuckles won't stop looking at Sonic as Tikal asked with a raised brow, "What could possibly see over there?"

Tikal looks at Sonic before she gasped and said, "Oh no. No. No. No. no. Knuckles that is the youngest prince of the angels."

Knuckles asked his sister with a stern glare while crossing his arms, "There a problem with that?"

Being the sister she is Tikal replied, "He's an angel and yer a demon brother. It's forbidden."

Knuckles asked with a raised brow, "What are you talking about?"

Tikal answered sternly, "You cannot interact with an angel. That is forbidden. Even Father can say that."

Knuckles looks at him and asked, "There are dark angels ya know that? They're just as bad as we are. Correct?"

Tikal 'agreeing a little' said, "That maybe true. But, angels and demons should not interact with each other ever. Besides their stupid goodie two shoes behavior makes me vomit."

Another angel asked, "What was that you heretic?!"

Tikal growled and replied, "You heard me!!"

Locke 'sees this' asked, "What the hell Princess Tikal?!"

The angels and demons were now fighting and bickering.

Knuckles took this as an opportunity to run off to the nearest balcony as Sonic did the same.

But when they were near the balcony, both of them bumped into each other.

But then as the moon shined, the two looked at each other face to face.

Sonics angel wings sparkled in the moonlight. Knuckles eyes shimmered while looking at the blue hedgehog.

Sonic softly muttered, "Uhh, Hi."

Knuckles replied to him, "Evening..."

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