The 8 Goddess Princesses

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While both sides were getting ready for the ball tonight, the 8 Goddess princesses were preparing for tonight.

Amy 'the 4'rth Goddess princess' was using her magic to make the ballroom beautiful though she had to make sure both sides of the room are half in half due to the fact that neither angels or demons cannot stand each other.

Arizona 'the oldest goddess princess' sees the decor so beautifully and said, "Nice work as usual my dear little sister."

Amy turns to her oldest sister and replied with pride, "Thank you. I just need to make a few adjustments for both sides. But we better keep the angels and demons separate and their desires to fight at bay. Unlike last time."

Alyssa 'the 2'nd goddess princess' chimed in as she sighed deeply, "Ya know she's right. We better make sure this doesn't happen again. I swear their constant fighting is giving a splitting headache."

Amy frowns and replied, "I agree. If they keep up this bickering I'm gonna have them feel my wrath."

Ali 'the 3'rd Goddess Princess' asked, "Will they ever get along my dear sister?"

Arizona replied, "Not likely. Angels and Demons never ever get along with each other. Not ever due to their differences. Despite having some dark angels and light demons, they still don't get along."

Amy replied to them, "Arizona's is right. Angels and Demons won't get along ever. But they better be soon or I will not hesitate for them to feel my wrath."

Alex 'the 5'th Goddess Princess' asked, "Mind if I join in on the wrath big sister?"

Amy replied as she shrugged, "When it happens yes."

That was when Anna and Andrea 'the 6'th and 7'th Goddess princesses' walked in as they set up the food tables.

Anna looks at the servants and said in an upset tone, "No! No! No! The devil food cake goes on the demon side and the Angel food cake goes on the Angel side."

The servants replied 'in embarrassment and correcting the sides', "Yes your majesty."

Amy asked them, "Still struggling with the foods Anna?"

Anna replied, "Got that right sister."

Andrea then chimed in with a stressed tone, "Not surprisingly they mixed up the foods again."

Andrea then called out, "Ariel? Please tell the servants not to mix up the music. Again."

Ariel 'the 8'th and youngest princess' walks in and said sadly, "Yes sissy."

Amy asked, "What's wrong?"

Ariel sadly answered, "They won't stop fighting. It makes me sad. I don't like it when they fight over and over."

She then sniffs and whimpered as Amy and the others looked at each other before Amy walked to her and said, "It's okay Ariel. I mean really. There might be a demon and an angel that will get along with each other. Maybe..."

Ariel looks at her sister and replied, "Okay Amy. Thank you."

Amy giggled and then said, "Alright no more sad faces. Now help me finish up the guests will be here in a minute."

Ariel smiled and replied with a nod, "Okay."

Ariel walks off as Alyssa walks to her and asked in concern, "Do you really think there will be an angel and a demon that will get along with each other?"

Amy replied to Alyssa, "I hope for Ariel's sake there will be. I just hope this whole feud would end."

The Goddess princesses couldn't be more (slightly unexpectedly) right cause there will be.

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