Chapter 1: Ms. Green Light

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"Aapko gaadi chalani aati nhi hai kya?" she shouted at him.

"What??" Sidharth asked shocked.

"What WHAT?!" she shouted back. "Excuse me miss you are the one who ran infront of my car" He said hoping she would be reasonable.

"It was a yellow signal can't you see" She again yelled at him making him sigh in disbelief. "It JUST turned green and you are not supposed to run just 4 seconds before maam" he said again quietly trying to be the big person.

"whatever, why are you even talking with me?" she said rolling her eyes.

He glanced at his watch, a flash of irritation crossing his face. “I’m late for a meeting. But you just ran in front of my car, so I think this takes precedence.”

“I didn’t run in front of your car! I was crossing the street. Maybe you should try drive karna like a normal person.”

He sighed. “You know, for someone who almost got hit, you’re awfully feisty.”

“Well, for someone who almost hit me, you’re awfully arrogant.”

She huffed rolling her eyes and tried to get up. "Owwww" she said falling down again. "hey what's wrong?" he asked a little worried.

Meera's POV

As much as I was upset and angry, I couldn't stay like that. I looked at his face which had a worried expression.

"I think I hurt my ankle" I said trying to get up but again lost balance. This time he caught me.

I looked at him. He was...quite handsome. But I didn't have the time to appreciate his looks.

"Iknow I'm good looking..and it's TOTALLY normal for you to FALL for me miss but....this soon?" he said smirking mischievously.

what the fuck I thought.

"You really are full of yourself aren't you?" "Well you are the one lying in my arms right now miss" he again said making me annoyed.

"I really think you have misunderstandings sir now would you pull me up or not?" I said as my back started hurting.

Sidharth's POV

She annoyed me. A LOT. The audacity to blame me when she was the wrong one. It's not about being a guy or a girl I think everyone needs to respect the other person.

I had to teach her that  "You should ask nicely when you are the one who needs help you know"

She rolled her eyes. "Will you pull me up please?" she said quietly. "See that was easy wasnt it?" I said and pulled up on her feet. She limped.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" I asked. "Its fine I live nearby" she replied still a bit annoyed.

"I can drop you" I offered. "It's fine I said" "whatever suits you" I said and moved back. I had 0 interest in helping her.

Meera's POV

I dont know why he just gets on my nerves.
"Sidharth" he said randomly. "What?" I asked. "my name..I'm Sidharth" he said again. "Oh I see"

"You are supposed to tell your name as well" he said annoyed. I looked at him and smiled "I don't tell my name to strangers" I said as he rolled his eyes.

He called a taxi. "I don't nee-" "drop her safely she's like a ticking bomb" he said to the driver, pushing me inside the cab.

Author's POV

"Excuse me????!" she looked at him , “yep, you shouldn’t run into traffic miss,” he replied, a smirk playing at his lips.

She bristled at his tone. “I SAID ALREADY I wasn’t running into traffic! I was cros-”

He leaned towards the window, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “I did stop, didn’t I? Besides, I think you owe me a thank you.”

“Thank you?” she snapped. “For almost running me over? In your dreams, Mr. Sidharth ”

He chuckled, the sound infuriatingly lighthearted. “sure".

"Mei gaadi chalau ya nahi?" the driver asked after listening to their whole argument.

"Sorry uncle" Meera said giving Sidharth a side eye..

"Bye Ms. green light firse mere car ke samne mat ajana" he said.

"I hope we never meet again" she said. "likewise" he replied and turned back going away.

"MEERA!" she shouted making him look back. He smiled "I like Ms. Green light better!" he shouted back waving and left.

"so annoying"..

Meera's phone buzzed in her pocket. A message from her family, no doubt. With a heavy sigh, she pulled it out and glanced at the screen.

Family Group Chat:

Dad: "How did the interview go, Meera? We are expecting a good news."

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