Chapter one

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Rainbow's POV:

Looking in the mirror I sigh. I looked at myself. Magenta colored eyes. Rainbow colored hair. Light blue skin. I turn and look around at my new room. I look at the white walls that I would soon be painting in a few days. No bed yet. Only a mirror on the wall and a few boxes with my stuff in it. It was much better than my old room but I liked my old room. I liked my old house. My old town.

We moved around alot and this is our fourth move this year. By we I mean me and my uncle. I've been living with him since I was 12 and im 16 now. It's a long story. Let's just say my parents aren't in my life anymore.

"Rainbow??", I hear uncle Strike call.

Turning I walked out of my room and down the hall. This house was much bigger than our old one. It was pretty cool.

I followed his voice to a bedroom. Uncle Strike was setting down box in the corner. A mattress sat on the floor. We hadn't gotten our bed stuff yet. 

"Yeah??", I say.

"How do you like it??", he asked.

I shrugged. I wasn't really sure how I felt about it yet.

"It's cool I guess", I mumble, crossing my arms.

Uncle Strike frowned. He walked over to me. He looked worried. I looked down at my shoes. I really didn't need this right now.


I look up at him. Uncle Strike kneeled down and looked up at me.

"I know it's hard to move all the time", he said. He took off his baseball cap. His blue hair was in a mess.

I sighed. I've heard this speech before. It's hard but give it a try and maybe things will turn out okay blah blah blah.

"I know how hard it's been for you all your life. It's okay to be uncomfortable in a new city. Just try to get comfortable", he said smiling.

He was always smiling. Uncle Strike was that funny, quirky uncle that although he was a total egg head sometimes, he was a very understanding guy. He knew when I needed space or had a bad day at school and cheered me up with lame jokes or funny stories. He was awesome.

"And try to make a few friends".

Looking at him I laughed dryly. He was he always trying to get me to make friends. They never turn out be my friends. I don't like to talk about it.

For now I'll just say that I don't have the best of luck with making friends.

"Yeah. Like that'll happen", I laugh turning around.

"You never know", he heard him say. I could hear the smile in his words. "I hear that Canterlot is full of fun, caring and nice people".

I rolled my eyes.

'Yeah right', I thought. 'I bet I'll get beaten up on the first day of school'.

I was terrified at the thought of being beaten up. I turned back around and look at him.

"I can promise you no such thing", I say shaking my head. "You know I don't trust anyone but you".

Uncle Strike smiled at me, a sad look in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. He was a great hugger.

He was the only person in the entire world I trusted. As you can tell I don't trust anyone but him. He knows about my past and was the only relative that took my side when our other family members took his side.

We don't talk about him. I was great full for it. I really was. I hope I never have to see him again.

"How about we watch some tv??. We have all the channels", Uncle Strike suggested changing the subject. He was always good at changing the subject into something that made me feel better. I nod. We walked out of the room and down the hall. There was a big staircase that led into the living room.

We had all our furniture set up so we just plopped onto the couch and turned the tv on. We got a flat screen TV on the wall. I thought it looked awesome.

We spent the rest of the day watching Equestria's funniest home videos. I loved that show. It always made me feel better. But today, well...... it didn't. My stomach was churning inside of me. I could feel my anxiety rise. I sink down in my seat. I had to go to school tomorrow. Alone. Oh Celestia.

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