chapter 12

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I woke up with my head pounding and the room spinning. My mouth felt like a desert, and I could barely piece together how I ended up back here. I vaguely remember anything.

Bits and pieces are coming back—
Kissing Keng in his car. Shit. I fumble for my phone to check the time. It's already late. How long did I sleep. And how did I end up in my bed. Did Keng take me home?
I got up from bed, feeling disoriented and unsure of what to do next. As I stumbled out of my bedroom, my mind was racing with questions about the previous night. I needed to find someone who could tell me how I had made it back home.

I made my way down the hall, the house eerily quiet. Just as I was about to head to the living room, I saw Kai emerging from my dad's office. He looked startled, as if he hadn't expected to run into anyone.

“What were you doing in there?” I asked, my voice still groggy from sleep.

Kai hesitated for a moment before responding. “I was just… looking around. But more importantly, how are you feeling? You were pretty out of it last night.”

He seemed suspicious. What was he doing in my dad’s office? I brushed off my concerns and continued talking to him.

He seemed suspicious. What was he doing in my dad's office? I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but I decided to brush it aside for now and continue talking to him.

"My head still hurts," I said, rubbing my temples. "And most importantly, I’m starving."

Keng looked relieved that I wasn’t pressing him further about the office. "Oke , lets go see if there's something to eat. "

As we walked towards the kitchen, I tried to piece together the fragments of last night, hoping Keng might fill in some of the blanks.

"So... what happened last night?" I asked, trying to sound casual and not like I had completely forgotten the events.

Kai's grin widened, and there was a playful glint in his eye as he replied, "Oh, last night, you were all over me. You couldn't stop laughing and kept holding onto my arm. At one point, you even leaned in and whispered that you thought I was the most amazing person you'd ever met."

I felt a surge of embarrassment and quickly responded, "No, that's not true." My cheeks flushed, and I tried to remember if there was any truth to his teasing. "Come on, seriously. What happened after we left the bar?"

Kai chuckled and shook his head. "Relax, I'm just messing with you. You did get pretty drunk, though. We had to practically carry you out of the bar. But don't worry, we got you home safe and sound."
" Thank u "
" What did you say I didn't hear that."
" F#ck u. "
" I love you two. "
We finally got to eat something. Keng was going to throw a party. And I was invited. I ask if I could bring Kong with me. He didn't see a problem with it. So now I only had to convince Kong to come with me.

Later that day, after Keng left, I called Kong to see if he wanted to join me in going to Keng's party. Initially, he was reluctant, saying he had other plans and wasn't really in the mood for a party. However, after I practically begged him to come, he finally gave in and agreed.

I decided to relax for a bit and found myself a comfortable spot in the garden, immersing myself in a book. The tranquility was soon interrupted when I saw Nunew walking by. I took the chance to invite him to join us at the party.

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