chapter 13

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KONG pov:

I find myself sitting in this room for hours on end, once again caught in a situation that seems all too familiar. To make matters worse, the power has gone out, plunging me into darkness. I attempted to call someone, but, as usual, there was no answer. Now, I am locked in a room with no light. Earlier, I could still hear the gunshots, but now it has fallen eerily silent.

With nothing else to do, I turned to playing Subway Surfers. However, after hours of playing, even that has become tiresome.

I was about to play another round of Subway Surfers, desperately seeking a distraction from the oppressive darkness and eerie silence of the room, when the door suddenly creaked open. A tall figure appeared in the doorway, his silhouette outlined against the faint light from the hallway. He stood there for a moment, looking at me with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, probably wondering what a man was doing sitting alone in a pitch-black room.

Slowly, I got up from my seat and approached him. "Hello," I greeted, my voice sounding strange in the stillness.

He began to open his mouth to respond, but before he could say anything, another gunshot echoed through the building. The sound was sharp and close, breaking the silence with terrifying clarity. Instantly, his demeanor changed from one of confusion to urgency. Without saying a word, he reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me toward the door.

"We need to move, now," he said, his voice low but insistent. He led me out of the room and into the dimly lit corridor, moving quickly but cautiously. The hallway was filled with blood and some dead bodies and the faint smell of smoke lingered in the air.

As we ran, my mind raced with questions. Who was this man? What was happening outside? En attack maybe, but why and who are they after ? But there was no time to ask, no time to think. The urgency of our situation drove us forward, and all I could do was trust that he will get us out of this.

After some frantic running, we finally emerged from the building, gasping for breath. We stopped for a moment, and I took the chance to thank him. "Thank you," I said, still trying to catch my breath.

"No problem," he replied, though his eyes were still filled with concern and curiosity. "By the way, what were you doing in the room where we keep the cleaning supplies? And how long were you in there?"

"I'd say about two hours," I responded, noticing his expression shift to one of shock. He began asking me more questions, clearly puzzled by my presence there.

I explained everything: how I hadn't planned to come in the first place, but my friend convinced me, so I ended up coming alone. When the gunshots started, my friend shoved me into that room to keep me safe.

"Why didn't you call someone?" he asked, his tone a mix of concern and disbelief.

"I tried, but nobody answered," I said, shrugging slightly.

His next question hit harder. "And , Who is your friend?"

I paused before answering, "It was Namping."

His face lit up with a sudden realization, the kind of expression you get when pieces of a puzzle fall into place. "Oh, so you're the best friend of my friend's boyfriend."

I gave him a confused look, trying to piece together his sudden recognition. He laughed, sensing my confusion. "Wait, let me recap. So, your best friend is Namping, and he is dating Keng, right?"

"Right," I confirmed, still processing the information.

"Well, I'm one of Keng's friends. Nice to meet you, I'm Thomas." He extended his hand with a friendly smile.

That made more sense. I shook his hand and introduced myself, "I'm Kong."

Thomas nodded, his expression now more relaxed. "It's a small world, isn't it? I was actually looking for Ken when I heard the gunshots and found you instead."

"Thank you for finding me," I replied, feeling a sense of gratitude and relief. "I was starting to lose hope in there."
"Don't mention it," Thomas said warmly.

Well he doesn't look like a mafia leader, he is too friendly. And how can he help me even after not knowing who I am. He must be a bodyguard or a driver. Well I'll do a background check later.

Thomas called for a driver and waited with me until they arrived. As we stood there, we engaged in small talk, and I discovered that he and Keng had attended the same high school. This small connection made me feel slightly more at ease amidst the chaos.

When the driver finally arrived, I was about to get into the car when Thomas stopped me. He handed me a piece of paper with a phone number scribbled on it. "Call me in case of an emergency," he said, his tone serious.

I took the paper and slipped it into my wallet, not quite sure what to make of it. For now, it felt like just another scrap of paper, something I might end up throwing away later. But I appreciated the gesture, acknowledging that having a contact in this situation could be crucial.

As I settled into the car, ready to drive off, I spotted Matt's car parked nearby. Confused, I thought to myself, "Wasn't he supposed to drop us off and leave?" It struck me that he must have come back to pick Namping up. Considering how late it was getting, it made sense that he would return to ensure Namping was safe.

So what do you think happened at that party for people to start shooting each other??

Do you think we should get suspicious of Thomas too ??

Thank u for reading.

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