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Varisa's POV:

We were already back in Mumbai after the match with Delhi. Bhai and bhabhi along with the kids left for their match to Pune and I decided to go back to my Mumbai wala apartment. Coincidentally Shubman and my flat was in the same apartment just diff floors. I was at 7 floor while he was in 5th. It was already noon and we came to the apartment after 

I unlocked the house to be welcomed by dust and nothing else. I locked the door after getting in. By god's grace I had a bottle of water with me. I had some water before going to the washroom to change. I got changed in something light and casual before taking the broom and mop in my hands. I started with taking out all the bedsheets, curtains, covers that were already on the furnitures and changed them with new ones. 

After done with the cleaning of whole house, I lastly went to the kitchen to wash the cutleries and utensils. By now it was already evening, I decided on taking a bath before going for some grocery shopping. I called Shubman after I came out getting dressed in a casual crop top and baggy jeans.

*on call*

Varisa: Hey love!

Shubman: Hi baby! what you doing?

Varisa: going out for some grocery shopping! u wanna come?

Shubman: yeah I and di will be in the lobby waiting for you!

Varisa: on my way!

I got down and saw Shubman and di waiting for me in the car. We then dove to the nearest mall. We went to the grocery mart. I and di were looking for the stuffs in the list that I made, while Shubman was behaving like a bored kid the whole time.

Varisa: Shubi stop doing that!

Shubman: Arey but I'm getting bored!

Shahneel: Let's go to the gamezone once we are done!

Shubman: Yayyy! Let's go! I'll call Ishan too!

I and di sighed in relief after the little kid stopped puffing and being annoyed. We came out with three huge baggage of grocery. There was lots of stuff, few to much on few were home necessities and others were staple foods. Ishan joined us on the way to playzone.

We entered the gamezone and got ourselves cards and went to the bowling zone. I and di were in one team while Ishan and Shubman were our opponents. 

Varisa: I bet it's us who's gonna win!

Shubman: chal chal ave!

Shahneel: dekh liyo jeetenge toh hm hi!

Ishan: sapne mein! Kyu shubi?

They started laughing while sharing hi-fi, to which my nose automatically scrunched.

Ishan was the first to bowl, he bowled and 5 of 10 pins were down. Not bad!  After Ishan di was the one to bowl. She bowled and 7 pins were down. Ok we are leading already!  Next I bowled and could only get 8 bowls down. Well not good enough!  Shubman was the next to bowl and he got 9 of them down and we WON! Yeahhhh! We got a total score of 15 and they got 14! Yeahhhhh!

We then clicked some pics before heading towards the air hockey table and this time the guys won. Later we played few more games including the gift machine one where Shubman got me a cute teddy. It was one of my Kdrama moment which I wanted to do with my bf and finally did.

After game zone we went to a restaurant to have our dinner before departing for home.

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