12 - Taking it too far

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Leigh-Anne started the video call and accepted Jade's request to join. Her laptop screen went black for a few seconds until a familiar smiling face filled the screen.

"Jadey!" Leigh cheered, hands punching the air in joy.

"Leigh Leigh!" Jade cheered back, matching her friend's high energy.

"How are you babe? I've not seen you in what feels like forever." the older woman asked. Jade could hear loud babbling in the background, most likely Andre looking after the twins whilst Leigh was on this video chat.

"I know, it feels like a fucking age." Jade sassed, earning a giggle from Leigh-Anne. "I'm okay. Felt like I was shitting myself last night before the launch but the wine and Zack and Holly kept me sane." she continued. Leigh nodded and was now frowning a little bit.

"I'm really glad you agreed to the party. I know you must have been so stressed. You already know that I was so worked up about my solo debut that I burst into tears like a baby." Whilst Jade hadn't been at Leigh's debut party she had heard the story many times from their dancers, Leigh's sister, and other shared friends. The older brunette had apparently spent the last half an hour before her debut single dropped pacing across her front room, her energy level and nerves too high to sit down for more than a minute. When the song finally was released and loving messages began to flood her social media, all of the stress melted away but her high energy remained. It turned her nerves into relief and pride at what she had just achieved, causing the sensitive woman to start crying right in the middle of her party.

"Well you have always been an overly emotional person." Jade teased, causing Leigh-Anne to recoil in fake shock, hand flying to her chest. Before she could reply an alert pinged onto their screens about someone joining their waiting room.

"That will be Pezza. Fashionably late as always." Leigh-Anne teased before letting Perrie join their call. There was a brief delay before Leigh-Anne shrank and Perrie's freckled face appeared on Jade's screen, her smile filling the older Geordie with warmth.

"Hi babe." Jade greeted the blonde, her voice getting a bit higher. She felt herself smiling like a dork but Jade couldn't control it. That's just what Perrie's infectious smile did to her.

"Hi Jade, hi Leigh. I'm so sorry about taking so long. It took me ages to get back to the hotel and then I couldn't find my charger." Perrie started to ramble. Leigh-Anne cut her off with a laugh making Perrie blush as she dipped her head down. Her long, blonde hair fell in front of her red cheeks, covering her face in a silky gold curtain. A tingling took over Jade's body as she bit back a moan, barely able to recover her composure. No, she could not have any kind of feelings towards her friends! Her blonde hook ups were enough, they had to be enough because her favourite blonde was not available.

"So Jadey. Did you forget to tell us something?" the blonde asked as she raised her head to look back at her laptop. Her cheeks had returned to their normal colour and her brilliant blue eyes were piercing Jade's heart through the camera.

"Huh?" Jade asked without hesitation, only catching her name coming out of the younger woman's mouth. Perrie rolled her eyes playfully and this gave Jade a long enough delay to control her body and uncloud her mind.

"You dropped a bit more than your single. Did you forget to tell us something?" Perrie repeated herself and this time Jade caught on to what she was asking.

"Oh, yeah. By the way girls I'm dropping an entire EP. Surprise." Jade sarcastically announced, causing both women to laugh.

"Thanks for the heads up Jade." Leigh-Anne pretended to be annoyed. Perrie was still laughing, for some reason her adorable giggles being enough to turn Jade on. She had to focus, Perrie was possibly lying to her. Jade couldn't fall for her blonde best friend.

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