23 - Waiting, again

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No one was allowed to ride in the ambulance with Perrie. Of course Jade tried to fight this, being absolutely terrified of letting the blonde out of her sight, but the paramedics refused to change their minds due to Perrie being unconscious.

Both women followed the paramedics down to the car park and watched them load Perrie into the back of the ambulance. Only when it drove off with the lights and sirens on did Jade snap out of her trance and realise Perrie was gone.

Never before had the brunette felt this scared, the thought of losing Perrie making it impossible for her to function.

In the end Leigh-Anne dragged her to her car and drove Jade to the hospital. It wasn't very far away but they didn't have the ability to make traffic part to the sides, so the ambulance was long gone by the time they had parked and found A&E.

Jade rushed straight to the front desk, ignoring all of the people in the waiting room who could recognise the famous duo. She didn't notice them, and even if she had, the older Geordie wouldn't have cared. All that mattered was her Perrie.

"How can I help you?" the receptionist asked, completely unphased by the frantic woman in front of her. Working in A&E she saw far worse than a panicked friend on a daily basis.

"Perrie Edwards was brought in by ambulance. Is she okay? Can I see her?" Jade asked, barely letting the receptionist finish speaking.

She couldn't stand still whilst the receptionist searched Perrie's name, and drew more attention to them with her fidgeting. Quickly Leigh-Anne grabbed Jade's hands to try and calm her down. Making a scene wouldn't help Perrie.

"Miss Edwards is being seen to now." the receptionist read off of her computer.

"Are you Jade and Leigh-Anne?" a nurse asked, having walked over to the duo without either of them realising. She knew exactly who they were but had to ask for security measures.

"Yes." Leigh-Anne confirmed and showed the nurse her ID.

"Would you like to follow me?" she asked, though there wasn't really an option. Both women followed her out of the waiting room and down a corridor into a much smaller room with a few chairs, a water machine, and a TV.

"I helped look after Perrie when she first came in. The doctors are still working on her but we thought you would prefer to wait somewhere more private." she explained once they were in the room.

"Thank you." Leigh-Anne smiled, having been getting very nervous about being recognised in the waiting room. The last thing they needed was the press swarming outside of the hospital.

"I'll let you make any phone calls and come back when there is an update." the nurse explained before leaving the room.

Once the door closed Jade started pacing the room, tears filling her eyes once again. They really needed to call Perrie's mother but Leigh-Anne knew that Jade wouldn't stop, being too stuck in her own head.

She walked over to the brunette and held her shoulders so she couldn't keep pacing. "Jade, you have to stop this. Remember what I said? You have to be strong for Perrie. This is the best place for her and we need to give the doctors time to help her. Making yourself sick with stress won't help her when she wakes up." Leigh-Anne tried to bring the younger woman out of her own mind before she had a panic attack.

"You're going to be okay and so will she." she continued before she pulled Jade fully into her arms for a hug. They stood there and Leigh-Anne rubbed her back until Jade's breathing calmed down.

She led the calmer brunette to one of the chairs and poured both of them a cup of water before joining her. Jade looked a lot more composed now and able to hold a conversation.

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