28 - Unofficially official (Final)

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This is the last chapter of Pretend It's Okay! I would like to thank everyone who had read this book and I really hope that you enjoyed it. It is my first story and I've never written a book before, so I had no idea if anyone would even like or understand my writing.

Also a huge thank you to everyone who has voted or commented on this book! Reading your comments has been so nice and all of the votes has given me more confidence to write. It really means a lot, especially as I wasn't expecting any of it, and the support inspired me to continue with this story when I got writer's block and felt like deleting it.

A couple of people said they liked the synopsis of another book I have been thinking of writing, called Simon's Rules, and I can confirm I am going to make this a book.

I also have a Jerrie One Shot book that I haven't updated in a while, but it's where I write shorter ideas. I have a short series in there which I am proud of and I have some other ideas I am planning to add to that book.

I apologise for this long author's note. Without further ado I hope you like the last chapter of Pretend It's Okay :)

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Dinner the next evening wasn't so simple and Jade ended up discreetly asking for the bulk of Perrie's food to be packaged in a doggy bag for later.

After the busy day with her parents and siblings the woman had no appetite. Perrie could eat more when she was ready, and if it was going to make her sick they would rather that happen in the privacy of Perrie's childhood home.

All of the adults noticed, being so used to seeing Perrie inhale her food and sometimes a second plate, but no one said anything and Jade was grateful for this. Her struggles with food made the blonde rather self conscious and she was very aware of her too thin frame.

They were spending the night at Debbie's, so when they got in Jade heated up Perrie's food whilst the younger woman got settled on the sofa. Jade joined her and put on a movie to distract Perrie as she picked at her plate.

Debbie went to have a shower to give them some privacy, and when she decided she had been upstairs for long enough she went back downstairs. There she found the couple cuddling on the sofa, both of them looking at their phones.

Perrie looked up at the sound by the door and smiled excitedly at her mother. "The video's going up now." she informed the woman, and Debbie heard a loud squeal emanate from Perrie's phone.

Apparently she was on facetime with Leigh-Anne, who had spent the day with her own family before their lives became hectic once again and every minute of their days were already fully booked.

"It's up." Jade announced, having been refreshing their social media pages until the video appeared first on Instagram, and then X and TikTok within half a minute. Debbie sat on her daughter's other side to see the reactions of their fans, the media, and the general public.

They chose to put the video out in the evening to try and catch as many of their fans at a reasonable time of day, including their US and Brazilian fans, whilst reaching their Australian, Japanese, and Filipino fans in their morning.

Comments immediately flooded in, most of them being excited that the official Little Mix page posted. Each woman reshared the official post on all of their social media accounts to further spread it and show the media that each of them was fully dedicated to the reunion.

littlemix: Bring the lights back up and open the curtains, we are not done yet! We'll see you all next year!

leighannepinnock: Eek! I can't believe we are finally doing this! I can't wait to share the stage again with my sisters. I love you both so much! Little Mix is forever!

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