20 - Getting together

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Hi, I'm so sorry for the delay. I have been struggling on where to take this story next. I'm still trying to figure it out but managed to write this. I hope it's okay :)

Looking over all of her make up products, Jade mentally debated whether or not she needed to bother applying any. It was an easy assumption that Perrie wouldn't be, as for a while now the blonde had been adopting a more natural look, and for this Jade was incredibly proud. The Perrie of ten years ago would never have thought about wearing no make up in public but now she was embracing her freckles and Jade couldn't think of anything sexier.

However, the standing of this evening was unknown. It wasn't exactly business but at the same time it was completely informal and off the record. Some requirements to look nice felt necessary, especially as Leigh-Anne always put in more effort than she did. Her hair wasn't even up yet as Jade had been standing in the bathroom for so long whilst she debated exactly how to approach this evening.

It took the voice of an Angel to bring her back to reality. "Are you almost ready, babe? We have to go in the next fifteen minutes!" Perrie was calling from outside of Jade's bedroom so her voice was a bit muffled through two doors, but the older woman still heard her loud and clear. When it came to Perrie, Jade always listened extra carefully.

"Yeah. I'll be out in a few minutes!" Jade shouted back, wondering how she was going to have time to get ready. "Thanks Pez!" she added after a second.

Running through all of her options Jade decided that make up was off the table. There simply wasn't enough time to do anything decent with it and she wasn't going to waste ten minutes badly applying anything. Instead she turned to her long, curly hair, having not straightened it for almost a week at this point. At least it was mostly clean, something that Jade was grateful for as her hair required not too much effort.

She spent five minutes brushing all of the knots out and taming it before she placed a cap on top of her head, deciding against tying it up in the end. As for clothes the brunette grabbed a pair of jeans and an oversized shirt, wanting to be comfortable but not look like a total tramp. None of them knew how long this meeting would last and she didn't want to be sitting in a tight dress all evening.

Turning back to her full length mirror Jade checked her outfit, deciding it was the best she was going to do tonight, and grabbed her phone before leaving her bedroom. Perrie was in the front room with Hatchi sat by her feet, watching Perrie pick their bowls up. The dogs had finished their dinner but if she left the bowls down Travis had a habit of carrying them off and stashing them in multiple hiding places, so they always picked them up once empty.

"You look beautiful." Perrie smiled as she looked up at the sound of Jade entering the room, and the older woman felt her heart rate increase.

"You too, Pez." she replied. Perrie had opted for smart trousers and a long-sleeved sparkly shirt. Beautiful wasn't a strong enough word. Jade thought she looked fucking phenomenal.

"I can't believe that I am ready before you, though. You're like the queen of punctuality and I'm eternally late." Perrie chuckled. Jade rolled her eyes at the tease as she lifted her phone up to check the time, and holy shit! Was she really standing frozen in the bathroom for almost an hour?

"I won't drive if you keep being so mean." Jade smirked. The blonde walked forwards and pushed her out of the front room, clearly not taking anything Jade was saying seriously.

"Put your shoes on, baba. We need to be gone, like, right now." the blonde instructed. Jade slipped on her trainers, never bothering to undo and redo the laces every time she put them on, before looking up at Perrie expectantly. The blonde just exhaled a breathy laugh and walked out of their flat, letting Jade lock up behind her and catch up. The lift was at the other end of the corridor but Jade didn't like Perrie taking the stairs if she didn't have to, as a particularly graphic nightmare of her legs giving out and falling all the way to the bottom had caused Jade to wake in a cold sweat one night.

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