19 - Where do we stand?

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This chapter is longer than normal but I didn't want to split it. Currently I'm not sure where this story is going, I hope it's not getting boring.

A month had passed since Perrie moved in with Jade and now it was just the two of them. Zack moved out after a fortnight, having found a place quite easily with his boyfriend. For now they left his room empty, moving some of Perrie's boxes from storage into there. Her other boxes were unpacked, replacing the communal things Zack took with him. Now the place truly looked like just theirs, the Jerrie Flat as Leigh-Anne was calling it.

Their monthly dinners had gone out of the window quite a while ago, life being so hectic for all of them, but now things were settled down again and Perrie invited Leigh-Anne over for a meal. The blonde was cooking, something she did most days. Jade wasn't very good in the kitchen and didn't enjoy it much, whereas Perrie loved flavours and making her favourite meals.

Jade was in the front room tidying up from the night before. Writing by herself for her solo album had provided Perrie with a lot of new confidence in songwriting. She used to lead arranging the songs Jade and Leigh wrote, having the best ear, but now she actually enjoyed writing and wanted to write a song for Little Mix.

That was how Jade found her after work, curled up under a blanket, notebook on her lap and Hatchi laying against her legs. She showed Jade what she had and they continued the song together, losing track of time in their impromptu song writing session. It was late when they went to bed and left the paper and food wrappers scattered around the room, which Jade was now sorting out.

She stopped when there was a knock at the door, putting down the rubbish bag just before hearing Perrie call from the kitchen. "Can you get that!"

"On it!" Jade shouted back before opening the door, finding her stylish friend looking as amazing as ever.

"Look at you." she teased, making Leigh-Anne laugh as she embraced Jade.

"I know, I look hot." Leigh agreed. She closed the door and took her shoes off, quickly petting the dogs before making her way to the kitchen. There was nowhere else that Perrie would be and since finding out, just like Jade she was more protective and didn't like going too long without speaking to the youngest woman.

"Hey Pez!" she cheered, walking towards her with open arms. Perrie was standing over the hob stirring a sauce for their meal. She turned the heat down and lay the spoon over the top of the saucepan before turning to Leigh-Anne and running into her arms.

"How are you? I missed you." Perrie spoke into the tight hug.

"I've been good. The twins have settled into the school routine and Andre's picking them up so I have plenty of time for work." she explained. Leigh-Anne finally had free time in her schedule and was surprised to find herself a bit bored.

"That's great news. How are they finding it?" Perrie continued, always liking updates on the girls. Her and Jade were their godmothers and even though seeing them used to be difficult, seeing the two girls happy and healthy cheered Perrie up a lot more now. Her son would never get to have play dates with them but she still loved being a fun Auntie.

Whilst Leigh-Anne caught Perrie up on her children, Jade popped open a bottle of wine and then a second bottle. The oldest woman faltered when she heard the second bottle being opened as they had similar tastes, but when she saw the words 'non-alcoholic' she didn't question it. She poured two glasses for herself and Leigh and then a glass for Perrie, handing Leigh-Anne her glass and left Perrie's on the table as she was busy stirring once again.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make moving day." she apologised.

"Leigh, we told you, it's fine. There wasn't too much to move anyways, most of it was clothes and that's pretty light." Jade reassured her. Perrie blushed a little at being called out for her shopping addiction.

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