Chapter 22: Uncertainty

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I stood outside the familiar wooden doors of my father's office, the scent of the sea and the bustling city of Andromeda, Cassiopeia wafting through the air.

My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to calm my nerves. Father had been the
Emperor's advisor for as long as I could remember, and the weight of his responsibilities often weighed heavily on our family.

As I reached for the handle, I hesitated. The door was locked, an unusual occurrence. I listened closely, trying to discern what was happening within.

Voices echoed through the corridor, their hushed tones carrying a sense of urgency.

"...must catch him before he leaves the city," one voice whispered.

"...we can't let him escape, the Emperor's trust in him is unnerving," another replied.

My breath caught in my throat as I recognized the name they spoke of - Thomas.

Thomas, the boy I knew. But these men were speaking of him as if he were an enemy, a traitor.

"Thomas? The Thomas I know?" My mind raced, trying to make sense of this new information.

Thomas had always been a bit of a brown-noser, but this...this was beyond anything I could have imagined.

Their conversation shifted to more sinister plans, discussing how to kidnap Thomas as soon as possible.

My heart skipped a beat, and I realized I had to leave. If they caught me eavesdropping, it could be dangerous for me as well.

With trembling hands, I turned away from the door and began to run. My thoughts whirled with confusion and worry.

How could Thomas be involved in such a plot? Was he truly a traitor, or was there more to this story?

As I raced through the city streets, I couldn't help but wonder what I should do.

Should I warn Thomas? Or would that only put him in more danger?


I found myself in the grandeur of the Golden Palace, a stark contrast to my tattered and dirty state. 

Emperor Albert, a man of great power and kindness, seemed to take a liking to me. His warm smile and gentle eyes made me feel uneasy, yet I couldn't help but be drawn to his charisma.

"Thomas," he said, his voice as rich as the palace itself, "I believe you have a story worth sharing with the world. You have a unique perspective that could inspire many.

I couldn't help but feel my heart race as I looked down at my tattered clothes, dirt-stained hands, and the scars that told tales of a life far from royalty. I was the bastard son of General Eugene, a secret that had haunted me for years.

The thought of being known to the world as such was terrifying.

"Your Highness," I began, my voice barely audible, "I don't wish to be known as the bastard son of General Eugene. My life has been far from glorious, and I fear the truth would only bring shame upon you and your kingdom."

Emperor Albert's eyes never left mine as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Thomas," he said softly, "I understand your concern, but I assure you, I will not present you as the bastard son of General Eugene. I see something in you, a strength and resilience that many lack. Your story, your journey, will inspire hope in others."

I tried to make light of the situation, cracking a joke to hide my fear. "Well, Your Highness, if I'm going to be known, I'd rather be famous for my looks and charm, not my humble beginnings."

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