Chapter 59: Boiling Point

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As Aiden and Alice approached the front door, they could sense a tension in the air that seemed out of place.

Unbeknownst to them, Eleanor's descent into madness had reached a boiling point, and their lives would never be the same.

The moment the door creaked open, their eyes met Eleanor's, and it was clear that the woman they knew no longer existed.

Her eyes were dark, her face contorted with a hunger that seemed to consume her very being.

Aiden's heart sank as he realized that his wife was beyond his reach, her sanity lost to the abyss of her torment.

Before he could react, Eleanor lunged at him, her lips crashing into his with a ferocity that left him breathless.

He tried to push her away, but her grip was like iron, her desperation fueling her strength.

Alice, her young eyes wide with fear and confusion, watched the scene unfold, her small frame pressed against Aiden's leg for comfort and protection.

As Eleanor continued to assault him with her kisses, Aiden's mind raced, searching for a way to break free from her grasp.

He knew that their daughter was watching, and the weight of that realization bore down on him like a heavy stone.

With all his might, Aiden pushed Eleanor away, his voice echoing through the room as he screamed at her.

"Eleanor, stop it! You're scaring Alice! She doesn't need to see this! We have an eight-year-old here!"

Eleanor, however, seemed impervious to his pleas.

Her eyes were now completely devoid of recognition, her once-gentle soul replaced by a darkness that seemed to thrive on chaos and pain.

With a growl that tore through the silence, she lunged at Aiden once more, her hands tearing at his clothes as she tried to pull him closer.

Aiden, desperate to protect both himself and their daughter, pushed Eleanor away again, his voice filled with anger and fear.


Aiden's words hung in the air, their impact seemingly lost on Eleanor. Her eyes remained fixed on him, her expression a twisted blend of desire and madness.

Alice, still clinging to her father's leg, began to whimper, her small body trembling with fear.

Aiden knew that he had to act quickly to protect both his daughter and himself from Eleanor's unhinged fury.

With a swift movement, he scooped Alice into his arms, cradling her close to his chest as he backed away from Eleanor.

"Alice, go to your room. Lock the door and stay there until I come for you, okay?" Aiden whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.

The little girl nodded, her eyes filled with tears, and with a small, brave smile, she retreated to her sanctuary.

Now face-to-face with the woman he hates, Aiden felt a surge of anger and sadness coursing through him.

As the physical altercation between Aiden and Eleanor intensified, their home became a battleground.

The house is filled with the sounds of punches and screams, a stark contrast to the warmth and laughter that had once resided within its walls.

Aiden, desperate to protect himself, fought with all his might, Eleanor, however, seemed to be possessed by an unrelenting force, her blows striking him with a ferocity that left him battered and bruised.

Their fight spilled from room to room, each impact echoing through the house like a haunting reminder of the darkness that now consumed them.

Alice, listening from the safety of her locked bedroom, felt her world crumbling around her.

The father she adored was fighting for his life, and her mother, the woman who had should have been her protector, was now her greatest fear.

Eleanor, however, seemed impervious to his pleas.

Her eyes remained dark and empty, her body continuing to lash out in a frenzy of violence.

As the fight reached its climax, Aiden could feel his resolve slipping away, his fear for their safety and well-being growing with each passing moment.

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