Chapter 45: Missing Son

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Time check, 10:00 pm. Magdalena, consumed by her motherly love and anguish, could no longer bear the uncertainty surrounding Thomas's whereabouts.

Determination ignited within her, overpowering her fear and driving her to take matters into her own hands.

With heavy steps, Magdalena left her home behind and made her way to General Matt's residence.

Her heart pounded with a mixture of desperation and determination, fueled by her love for her son.

As she reached the imposing gates of the mansion, Magdalena squared her shoulders and approached the guards posted at the entrance.

Their stern expressions did little to deter her as she demanded to see General Matt, her voice filled with raw emotion.

"I need to see General Matt!" she pleaded, her voice quivering with a mix of fear and determination. "I won't leave until I know where my son is. He must bring Thomas back to me, no matter the cost."

The guards exchanged uneasy glances, taken aback by Magdalena's intensity and resolve.

They hesitated, unsure of how to respond to her fervent plea. But Magdalena's determination was intimidating, and she refused to be turned away.

"I will not leave until I see General Matt," she firmly declared. "Tell him that a mother's love knows no bounds, and I am willing to risk everything to ensure my son's safety. They can kill me if they must, but I will not rest until Thomas is returned to me unharmed."

General Matt stepped out of his residence, his throat still recovering from the injury he had sustained.

His eyes narrowed as his gaze fell upon Magdalena, who stood before him with a fiery determination in her eyes.

The air crackled with tension as their paths crossed, both harboring their own anger and frustration.

"Where is Thomas?" General Matt demanded, his voice strained but filled with authority.

Magdalena met his gaze, her own eyes ablaze with a mix of defiance and anguish. "I'm looking for him too," she retorted, her voice tinged with bitterness. "But don't you dare accuse him of betrayal. He's searching for his own truth, just as I am."

A bitter smile tugged at the corners of General Matt's lips. "Truth? All I see is manipulation," he spat, his voice laced with contempt. "Just like his mother, you know your way around manipulation. You did it to Eugene, and now Thomas is doing it to Astrid. The both of you are leeches to our family! You're the reason my bestfriend's depression worsened and my sister's death!"

Magdalena's face hardened, her fists clenching at her sides. The accusation struck a nerve, igniting a fierce fire within her. "You know nothing," she hissed through gritted teeth. "My love for Eugene was real, just as Thomas's love for Astrid is real. We may have made mistakes, but we are not manipulators."

General Matt's anger flared, his injured throat straining as he raised his voice. "Don't you dare defend them! They've both betrayed us, turned their backs on their duty and their family. Thomas is nothing but a traitor, just like his mother!"

Magdalena's eyes welled with tears, a mix of pain and defiance. "You don't understand, Matt. We are not defined by our mistakes or by your perception of us. Thomas and I are searching for our own paths, trying to find our own truths. We may have strayed, but our love for our family remains."

Matt slowly sheda tears, "It tears me apart, Magdalena. All these years, I've watched Florence suffer. Her own husband, Eugene, searching for another woman... Which is you"

Magdalena sighs, "Matt, I never intended for any of this to happen. My connection with Eugene grew over time, but I never wanted to cause harm."

"But because Eugene loves you, making Florence purchase a potion for him to love her, and she was accused of being a witch, and now she got executed! If you just stayed away from Eugene, Eugene would have loved Florence and wouldn't make Florence do nasty things that will lead to her death!"

Magdalena sheds tears, "I never wanted things to escalate like this. I didn't realize the extent of Eugene's feelings for me, nor did I anticipate the consequences Florence would face. It's a tragedy, and I bear the weight of guilt."

Matt's voice filled with a mix of sorrow and anger, "You may bear guilt, but I hold you responsible. You have brought pain to our family, torn it apart. How can I not be angry at you for what Florence is going through? You had Florence get executed and your son, Thomas had Astrid injur her groom!"

Magdalena's voice trembled, "I understand your anger, Matt. I truly do. But please believe me when I say that I never wanted any harm to come to Florence. I never wanted to be the cause of her suffering."

Matt, pausing, his anger slowly giving way to sadness, "I miss the days when our family was whole, when Florence and I were close. Now, seeing her in this state, it breaks me. And knowing that you played a part in it... it's hard to forgive."

Magdalena stood before Matt, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and anguish. Tears streamed down her face, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Now, where is my son, Thomas? Tell me, Matt!"

Matt's face twisted into a smirk, his anger boiling just beneath the surface. He took a step closer to Magdalena, his voice dripping with contempt.

"Your precious son, Thomas? He escaped, just like the coward he is. Took Astrid with him, leaving a wake of chaos behind."

Magdalena's eyes widened in shock and desperation.

Magdalena'a voice cracked, "No... They can't be gone. Thomas wouldn't do this. He wouldn't betray me, his family.

Matt's anger flared, his voice thundering with fury.

"Betrayal is in your family's blood, Magdalena. You and Thomas are cut from the same cloth. You manipulated Eugene, just as he manipulated Astrid. It's time to face the consequences of your family's actions."

Magdalena's cries filled the place, a desperate plea for understanding and mercy.

"No! You can't do this! I won't let you tear my family apart!"

Matt's face hardened, his face contorted with anger and determination.

"You shall face the consequences your family has wrought upon mine. Guards, take her away and throw her into the dungeon. Let her reflect on the pain she has caused."

Magdalena fought against the guards, her cries echoing through the chamber as they dragged her away. She looked back at Matt, her eyes filled with a mix of defiance and despair.

'Matt, please! You're making a mistake. Thomas didn't betray us. He loves Astrid, just as Eugene loved me. Don't let anger blind you to the truth!"

But Matt turned away, the weight of his anger and grief consuming him. As the doors of the dungeon slammed shut, Magdalena was left to face the consequences of her family's choices and the uncertain future that lay before her.

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