🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿x🇨🇮 Drugs? Scotland x Ireland

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This is my first ever request and I'm very excited about it.
This was requested by: steakbaketable
It's Ireland x female to male Scotland in a college dorm setting.
I chose this to be hurt-comfort / angst.
So Ireland is a more outgoing person, while Scotland is more of an introvert. He also has a slight drug problem.
Thank you for your request, I actually really love your idea for the two of them and had a lot of fun imagining different scenarios and choosing one to write down. If you wanna see more of them go ahead and tell me!
Words: 1371

"Scott?" That was Ireland, standing in the doorway of their shared dorm. He got back from a party earlier than expected. A bad feeling that something was wrong with his lover just wouldn't let him alone. His voice was just above a whisper. "What-, what are you doing there?" The jacket in his hand dropped to the floor, as he stood there, mouth slightly ajar, eyes wide and glossed over. A single tear slowly making its way down his cheek. He was worried Scotland might have had an accident, or a panic attack, or god knows what. He did not imagine to come back to this.
They both stood there like deer in headlights, completly still, not moving a millimeter. Just being there, looking at each other.
"What,-" he barely managed to hold back a sob. "What is that?" He stared to tremble. Endless thoughts raced through his mind. Did his own lover not trust him? Was he that bad of a boyfriend? His voice was cracking and so was Scotlands heart. The other was on his knees, halfway under their table and oblivious to Irelands fears.
Why was he in that position? Well, no one expects your drug stash to be hidden in a place so obvious.
"Scott? Answer me." There was anger bubbling up in Irelands voice, his jaw was clenched and his hands balled to fists at his sides. He did everything he could for Scotland, why wasn't he trustworthy? Did he have another lover, was he cheating on him? Did his friends know? Did they all just keep him in the dark?
Now Scotland was the one shaking. He was on his knees fiddling with the little plastic bag of fine white powder in his hands and avoiding eye contact. Holding his head low and chewing on his bottom lip. He couldn't lokk at Ireland right now, especially not in his eyes. He was scared, like a lost stray puppy. Finding words that wouldn't fuck this up even further was hard. Really hard. Impossibile even.
"I..." He supressed a sob. "I would have told you... eventually." He didn't dare look at the Irish man. The tension in the room was suffocating, for both of them.
"And... when?" Ireland swallowed thickly "when would 'eventually' have been? How long did you plan to keep me in the dark about this?" He was hurt and angry and it broke Scotland, knowing he was the reason why.
"I... I don't know."
The silence that followed this truth and the look of betrayal on Irelands face, when the Scott dared to look up at him were the final nails in the coffin. Something in him just snapped and all the pain and sorrow came crashing down on him, flowing right out.
The facade shattered into a billion little pieces, his face twisted with pain and he doubled over. Completely folding in on himself and searching shelter in his own arms now. A noise somewhat resembling a half chocked, muffeled wail of pain left his throat and he just bawled on the cold floor.
It was over, he had managed to push even the last person that gave his life a purpose away. Ireland would surely leave now. Why would he wanna be with not only a faggot, but also a drug addicted liar? There was no reason for him to stay.
This was Scotlands breaking point, all the tears, the sobs, the cries of pain, the words he never dared to say, just... everything he was so, so afraid to let the other see, it all spilled right out of him then and there. Was ten o'clock on a Friday night on the floor of their dorm the best time and place for this to happen? Probably not, but it was bound to happen, better now then even further down the path of lies he had been walking on for the past few months.
As he watched the scene before him unfold, Ireland finally understood. He understood just how broken, how scared and how hurt Scotland must be. His anger and fear faded and gave way to worry for the other. A worry like he's never felt before, deeply rooted within the foundation of their relationship and his heart. The others half coherent babbling, his tears, his sobs it hurt Ireland deeply to realize he had never even noticed it in his lover. He had never paid enough attention to Scotts feelings and the behaviours he just thought were a bit strange. But it all made sense, oh so much sense. His face twisted in pain and horror, tears falling like the raindrops outside. Oh, he was so, so blind and distracted, he had left Scotland to bear this burden alone. He couldn't leave him alone now.
Before both of them could really register it, Ireland was on his knees next to Scotland and pulled his crieing mess of a boyfriend to his chest firmly.
"I'm so, so sorry ...for leaving you alone with this and making you feel, like you couldn't trust me, to share this burden with you. I'll be better. We'll get you the help you need and-" he started sobbing now too "and I'll give you a-all the time you need to get through this. I promise, no I swear." He held the Scott tight and peppered gentle kisses atop of his hair.
Scotland now too realized all these horrible mistakes they both made in the past, he sobbed and cried as he clung to Ireland. But his sobs were filled with relief, it was over, all the lieing, the hiding, the pain, the fear, all of it would come to an end now. He could share this burden with his lover, he wouldn't have to be afraid of being himself and ending up alone anymore.
"I- I love you so much Ire, I was s-so afraid of loosing you." Scotland sobbed.
"Y-you'll never loose me, dumbass." Ireland replied.
Now, that their minds were clearing, it all seemed so dumb, like some corny romance novel.
It was just to funny, so they did what they did best, they laughed, together. Ireland started it and Scotland followed.
"We were so dumb." The Irishman breathed out between laughters
"Yeah, this is all so goddamn soppy, like one of Frances romance books."
"You," He sniffeled, wiping the last tears away. "You wanna make popcorn and watch a movie?" Ireland asked.
Scotland now also wiped the last tears away and fixed his messy hair.
"I'd love to!"
As Scotland unfolded from Ireland and moved to stand up he was suddendly grabbed by his waist and pulled back into the others lap.
"Wha-" he didn't get to finish the question. Ireland moved his right hand to the back of the others head, grabbed a handful of blue curls firmly and pulled his beloved into a passionate and deep kiss. Scotland practically melted into him, his hands cupping the others face gently and pulling him even closer to deepen their kiss.
This was their moment, only theirs.
After a while they had to part, still they kept close, admiring one another, as the silence that almost suffocated them mere minutes ago now layed around them like a cozy blanket. Right now only they mattered, the rest of the world be damned.
"I'll make popcorn."
"I'll get my laptop ready and put our blankets on my bed."
One last chaste kiss and adoring looks were exchanged before they separated.
In that night Scotlands small bed was enough for them both as they fell asleep in each others arms.

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