Chapter 8

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Blake's POV

"Hey babe can we meet up for dinner today so we can talk x" Ellie messaged me. I rolled my eyes; I can't deal with her right now. Sean strolled into my office "what's with the long face bro" he says as he plops himself down on the couch. "Ellie wants to meet" I say with a sigh. "Just meet her bro and end things properly, I've seen the way you look at ivy" he says and smirks at me. I threw the notepad at him hitting him square in the forehead. "Ouch that hurt" he grumbled rubbing his head. I let out a deep laugh which caused the both of us to double over in laughter.

"So how are things with you and the blonde" I say smirking at him. He blushed! The little shit actually blushed. "Someone whipped" I say. "She is fucking gorgeous and I'm taking her out on a date on Friday" he says. "I'm happy for you, bro, now go do some work" I say and he laughed and ran out of my office.

I spent the whole day working and soon it was 6pm. "bro come on go home" Sean says as he walks into my office. I nod my head and gather everything before leaving. Once I got home, I showered and got changed into a different suit before I got into my car and drove towards Ellie's house. Once I reached her house, I saw she was already waiting for me outside. She climbed into the car "hey babe" and tried to kiss me but I turned my head and she ended up kissing my cheek. "Hey Ellie" I say and start driving.

We pull up outside an Italian restaurant called Vincenzo's. my best friend's dad owned this place and the food was really good. We pulled up outside the restaurant and I stepped out. "Good evening, Mr Carter" the valet says and I nod in greeting and handed him my car keys muttering a quick thank you.

The host greeted us as we walked in and led us to our table. We looked through the menu and made small talk about our day until the waiter arrived. "Good evening, sir, ma'am, I'm Leo and I'll be your waiter today, what can I get started for you today" he says giving us a smile. I could feel him stare at Ellie but she didn't pay any attention to him. "Could I order the bruschetta, the fettucine alfredo con pollo and a bottle of your finest wine, thank you" he wrote down the order and then Ellie ordered "hi, I'll have the calamari to start with and then the baked cannelloni" she says. The waiter nods and writes her order down and then leaves. 10 minutes he came back with our food. We thanked him and started eating. "So, Blake, we should talk" Ellie says and I nod at her. "Ellie, look you're an amazing girl but we aren't good with each other. We work as friends but nothing more" I say and look at her scared she's going to cause to scene. But she didn't. She gave me a small smile and a tear escaped from her eyes. "I know Blake and I've known for some time, I guess I just thought I could make you fall in love with me like I have with you".

"Ellie..." I started but she cut me off. "You know all the times I told you I had slept with someone else I hadn't, I just wanted a reaction out of you, I've only been with you" she says quietly. I was shocked "Ellie I had no idea" I say. She let out a small laugh. "I know, I only said those things because I knew you didn't do feelings and I just wanted an excuse to be able to keep coming back to you" she says. I looked at Ellie properly and I could see a broken fragile girl before me and I regretted the way I've treated her. "I'm so sorry Ellie, for the way I've treated you" I say. She shakes her head "its ok Blake, you can't help who you fall in love with" she says. "You like that girl, the one from the club" she says and instantly my face lights up at the thought of ivy. I didn't say anything and Ellie chuckled "the way your face lit up. I hope she makes you happy Blake I really do".

"Thank you Ellie and I hope you find someone who treats you like a queen" I say. "Can we still be friends Blake, but I promise no funny business" she says and I nod. We continued eating talking about the past. "ha-ha do you remember senior year when Sean ran around butt naked and that old lady chased after him" Ellie says and I let out a deep chuckle at that memory. I could feel someone staring at me and turned my head and captured those green eyes that I loved to look into. I saw a tear roll down ivy's face and I felt a rush of different emotions. She quickly looked away and wiped the tear. She sat with her family. I decided to go and introduce myself and hopefully get ivy to talk to me or at least look at me. "Excuse me for a moment Ellie" I say and she nods her head pulling out her phone scrolling through Instagram.

I made my way over to their table. "Good evening, Mr and Mrs Miller" I say as I approached them and the whole table looked up at me. "Good evening" they both say and Mr Miller shakes my hand. "You're Ethan carter" I heard the youngest girl squealed. "Yes, I am" I say and nod my head. "Sorry Ethan, pleasure to meet you" ivy's dad says and her mom pulled me into a hug, "really nice meeting you Ethan" she says.

I greeted ivy's sisters and brother, her brother didn't say anything and glared at me, I wanted to laugh. This little punk though he intimidated me. Ivy let out a small laugh and I turned my attention to her "Hello Ivy" I say. "Hello Mr carter" she says coldly and turned the other. I let out a small sad sigh, I guess we're back to formal phrases. I suddenly felt super awkward and cleared my throat. "How are the plans coming along miss miller" I say when I was interrupted by her mom. "Oh, Ethan is ivy doing your interiors, that's just wonderful" she says and I nod.

Ivy's phone buzzed and she quickly looked at it breaking out into a big smile. Hmm I wonder what got her smiling like that. "Oohhh who's got you smiling like that" one of her sisters squealed. "Ethan" she says quietly and I quickly look down deep in thought. "Please join us for dessert Ethan" Mr Miller says breaking me out of my thoughts. "Sorry sir, I would love to but maybe next time I have to drop my friend off at home" I say and leave the table after saying goodbye.

"Ready to go Ellie" I say and she nods. I asked the waiter for the bill and paid leaving a $200 dollar tip for him. "Thank you, sir," the waiter says and I nod my head and leave with Ellie.

The valet brings the car back around and I tip him before we both got into the car and I drove Ellie home. "Thank you for today, Blake, I think I needed that closure. Good luck with everything" she says and kisses my cheek before climbing out of the car and walking into her house. Once she was inside, I drove off towards my house. The whole journey I was deep in thought. Who the fuck is Ethan?  

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