Chapter 26

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Blakes POV

I woke up this morning feeling happy and giddy. I was going to propose to Ivy. Ivy. Yes, that's correct I am going to make Ivy Miller my wife. All the emotions rushed through me. I felt nervous, anxious and happy all at once. I've been thinking of proposing for months just waiting for the right time. I had asked her dad for permission a few months back but yesterday at the wedding I asked him again and told him what I had planned.

I looked back down at Ivy and she was peacefully sleeping. I had to go finish the last bits for the proposal. I quickly got showered and dressed and sent Ivy a message to say I had a meeting and I would be back soon. I finished putting the petals out and making sure the food was ordered for tonight before I left to go home.

Once I got home, I asked ivy if I could take her out and she agreed. I went up to my home office to finish off some work.

A few hours later the doorbell rang signalling ivy's sisters had arrived to get her ready. The nerves were kicking in. I shrugged it off and continued working.

Ivy's POV

Luna and I stayed in the kitchen after Blakeleft and we continued talking about other things taking my mind of things. Anhour later Luna left to go home saying she was meeting up with Sean later. Wesaid our goodbyes and I decided to settle onto the couch and read my book. Imust have dozed off as I woke up to the ringing off the doorbell. I went toopen the door and there stood my sisters. "ivy" they both chirped and walkedin. I hugged them both and led them over to my dressing room. "How come Blaketold you guys to come get me ready" I ask and they both look at each otherbefore shrugging. I didn't believe them but I let it go. A few hours later myhair and makeup had been done and I was in a black corset gown with a high slitin the leg

 A few hours later myhair and makeup had been done and I was in a black corset gown with a high slitin the leg

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I wore my YSL heels and sprayed some perfume. "You look stunning" Lottie squealed and Hallie agreed. "Thanks girls" I say. They left shortly after and I went downstairs to see Blake stood in the hallway in a black suit. "You look beautiful ivy" he said making me blush. I reach him and lean up to kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you, you look very handsome too" I say.

He takes my hand and leads me his car. "Blake you're sweating are you ok" I say. "Yeah, I'm good" he says. He opens the door of his Lamborghini Sián FKP 37. As we were driving, I felt nervous. I really need to tell Blake tonight hopefully.

20 minutes later we reach a car park. I look around confused. "Ivy can you put this blindfold on" Blake says. I let out a nervous chuckle and slowly nodded my head. He tied the blindfold and then led me out the car. After a few minutes of walking, we stopped and Blake took the blindfold off.

I gasped at the sight in front. The decking had 'marry me' light up letters and there were flowers, rose petals and candles creating a pathway. 

When Blake knelt down in front of me the tears started flowing

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When Blake knelt down in front of me the tears started flowing. He took my hand in his. "Beautiful Ivy, I've been in love with you since I first met you, it truly was love at first sight. I fall more in love with you each and every day. You've bought so much happiness to my life. I can't imagine a life without you in it. I want to grow old with you and stay by your side forever. Will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me". I nodded my head not finding the words as I sobbed. I kneeled down next to him and he slipped the ring on my finger and pulled me in for a kiss wiping away my tears. We both stood up and I lunged myself at him and wrapped my arms and legs around him kissing him passionately. "" I say in between kisses.

After a little make out session I pulled away. "Blake I also have something I want to tell you" I say and he looks at me. "Ok beautiful, let's take a seat at the table and we can talk" he says and I nod. He leads me over to the table that was set up for dinner and a bottle of wine and glasses set out. When we sat down a man came out with the food. We thanked him and he left. Blake opened the wine and started pouring it into the glasses. "None for me Blake" I say and he looked at me confused. "Oh ok" he says. He settles the bottle down and I take hold of his hands. "I've got something for you" I say and reach into my clutch and retrieve the pregnancy test I had put in my clutch earlier. I placed the test in his hands and he looked at it confused and then at me confused. "What is this" he says confused. I let out a small laugh "look at it Blake, this is why I can't have the wine" I say. "it's a pregnancy test" he says and then his eyes grow wide. "you're pregnant" he gasped. I slowly nodded my head. 

Blake quickly got out of seat and walked over to me kneeling down beside my chair. He placed his hand on my stomach. "you're pregnant with our baby" he gasped and leant up to kiss me. "Thank you, ivy," he says and kisses me again. "I love you so much" he says. He kisses my stomach a few times before he stands up after wiping his tears. "When did you find out" he asked me. "I've been feeling sick since before Jades wedding and then at the wedding my mom said I should take a pregnancy test, I brushed it off but today when I was sick again, I called Luna over to bring me some tests and I took the tests and they were all positive"

He pulls me into his body and wraps his arms around me. We stayed like that for a while before my stomach rumbled and Blake pulled away. He let out a chuckle. "Let's feed you and our baby" he says and takes a seat and we start eating our food.

An hour later after eating, talking and dancing we decided to go home. "So, who knows about the proposal" I ask Blake. "Everyone, I asked your parents for permission and then asked your sisters to get you ready. I also asked Jake for his permission too. I then told my family and jade helped me pick out the engagement ring before her wedding" he says.

We soon reached home and Blake carried me upstairs to our bedroom. He settled me down on the bed before moving away but I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "I want you Blake" I whispered and leaned up to kiss him. 

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