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Cade's P.O.V.

"Booyakasha!!" Mikey yelled as he knocks the head of the last Footbot. Suddenly Splinter jumps in front of me, with Leo's swords and ran towards Shredder.

Out of nowhere the wind started to pick up. I shield my eyes slightly to block dirt swirling all around me.

I look up to see a helicopter hovering above the roof with a search light shining down on the utterly still Leonardo and Becka.

Raphael was propped up against a roof shed holding his leg.

Then three ropes were thrown down from the helicopter and three people armed with assault rifles and blades descended down.

"Guānyú gāisǐ de shíjiān!" (About damn time!) I said in traditional Chinese.

"Shénme shì nín de dìngdān kǎi dé shān?" (What are your orders Cade-san?) One of my men asked.

"Zhèlǐ shǒuxiān huòqǔ shāngyuán chūlái!" (Get the wounded out of here first!) I ordered.

"Juéshì!" (Sir!) They replied in sync.

I turned towards Michelangelo. "Michelangelo! Go help your brothers!" I yelled.

Mikey nodded in response.

I saw Splinter and Shredder fighting a few meters away from me. Both exchanging blows with their blades.

Then an idea came into my mind.

I turned toward my men. "Jūnxiào xuéyuán!" (Cadets!) I yelled.

"Juéshì!" (Sir!) they replied while tending to Leonardo and Becka.

"Túbiàn tǐ lǎoshǔ nà biān huì gēn wǒmen yīqǐ qù, dàn yīdàn tā zài, wǒ xiǎng nǐ qǐfēi, dàn liú xià de shéngzi xuán tī cóng zhíshēngjī! Rúguǒ wǒ sǐle, ránhòu méiyǒu wǒ líkāi, bìng dài tāmen dào zhōngguó! Zài ānquán dì dìfāng! Wǒ shì qīngchǔle ma?" (That mutant rat over there will be coming with us but once he's in the helicopter I want you to take off but leave the rope ladder hanging from the helicopter! If I die then leave without me and take them to China! Somewhere safe! Am I clear?) I said.

"Juéshì shì de, xiānshēng!" (Sir yes sir!) They replied.

I reach in my pocket and pull out a smoke bomb.

"Shredder!" I yelled.

He took one glance at me and that's when I took advantage. I threw the smoke bomb directly at Shredder and a huge puff of black smoke surrounded Shredder.

I turn into my mutant form and ran as quickly as I could towards Splinter.

Once I reached Splinter, I grabbed him, threw him over my shoulder and ran towards the helicopter.

"Cade!" Splinter said.

"Get into that helicopter Splinter. Your sons are in there." I said then set him down.

Splinter places a hand on my shoulder. "Cade you will not survive if you face him." He said loudly over the wind the helicopter was producing.

"I gave these men strict orders that if I die then they will leave without me. They will take you and your sons to China, and drop you off somewhere safe." I said looking Splinter dead in the eye. "Trust me."

Splinter said nothing for a few seconds..."Very well." Splinter said.

I nodded and ran towards Shredder.

The black smoke had cleared and he was staring at me with hatred and anger. I took out my weapons and pointed the blades towards him. "Let's see how weak you really are. You are nothing but overcome by hatred! You put the country of Japan in shame! You're a coward..." I hissed.

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