Background memory

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Viper's P.O.V.

*The next day*

I had returned to Shredder's HQ and I was in the throne room, as I listened to Shredder and Karai give me all the information I needed. So far I know what I can use against them.

Leonardo is always aware of his brothers during combat. If I can get his attention off of me for one second to look at his brothers, then I can make my strike.

Raphael, is pretty simple, his temper. All I need to do is insult him and he'll rage hell on me but I plan to use his temper against himself.

Donatello, his intelligence, he might be a little difficult to handle but I'll find a simple way to bring him down.

And last but not least. Michelangelo, his weakness, is so simple but yet so stupid, pizza. I would have never guessed that all I would have to do is bring pizza to a fight and he'll fall for the trap in a heartbeat. How pathetic.

My short black hair strands with the ends dyed red was covering parts of my eyes. I had on a black crop top, black long jeans and some black combat boots. Yeah, if you haven't noticed, black is my favorite color. I had my black sunglasses over my light brown eyes as I just listened to the two of them.

"Viper." Shredder's voice shocked me out of my thoughts.

Looking up from the file he gave me I raise an eyebrow.

"Do you have everything you need before you start your mission?" Shredder asked.

"I have far then enough information to find and capture these turtles. Like I told you, I will have them by next week." I stood up from my seat.

"Good, now be on your way."

I smiled, "It will be my pleasure."

Before I turned and walked out of the throne room, Karai called my code name, "Viper!"

I stop dead in my tracks and turn my head to the side.

"What is the meaning of your tattoo? With the snake coiled around your body?"

I had a tattoo of a snake that started from my left ankle and twisting itself around it and making it's way up to my torso, then as it's wrapped around my torso it ends with the head of the snake resting on my right shoulder. However, she could only see the snake coil around my stomach, up.

"That's classified." I said.

I walked out the room as I hear Karai mumble something under her breath.

As I walked out the building all the Foot Soldiers would stand clear from me as I walked past them.

I smiled as they now grew fear on me.


"Becka...There is no strength in your strikes!" My father announced.

"Do it again!" He commanded.

I punched the wood bored again and once again it didn't break. My knuckles were bleeding and had scabs forming. It stung with every punch to the board.

"Becka if you can't break that then you can't break a chest bone. You must learn how to stop someone's heart when attacking! Do it again!" My father yelled.

I growled in frustration "I can't!" I announced as I started to cry at the pain.

My father came over to me and he was flustered "Becka...when I tell you to do something, it isn't a request, it's an order. I order you to break the board as if you're stopping someone's heart because their attacking the family!" He said crossing his arms.

Hired to kill the turtles(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now