Taking my chances

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Viper's P.O.V.

I coughed then looked down. I couldn't answer him, he might kill me. I looked at Donnie "By my clan's rules, I'am not allowed to tell my secrets."

Donnie growled slightly then stepped back "I'll get Master Splinter if I have to. Either you tell me why or I'll tell him what you have and he'll question you."

"I'm telling you it's too much of a secret." I begged.

Donnie rolled his eyes then left the lab. I struggled against the binds still holding me down.

"Last chance, tell me or I'll get Master Splinter." Donnie said.

"I'm not talking, even if you get your master in here."

He narrowed his eyes at me and walked out the lab slamming the door shut behind him.

After minutes of being alone, Splinter came into the lab, with a questioning expression.

I sighed "Let me guess, you're gonna question me?" I asked frustrated.

Splinter said nothing as he slowly walked towards me.

"I'm not talking and telling my secrets. Get it through your head!"

Splinter grabbed a chair and sat down next to me.

"Why?" he simply asked.

"It's one of my clans strict rules. Never to tell anyone of our secrets."

"And if you do?"

"The penalty for exposing our secret is death."

"I'm sure your clan won't be seeing you anytime soon."

That pissed me off and I tried to launch at Splinter but the shackles on my wrist and ankles held me back.

"Be careful of the words you use Splinter, remember who was the person that beat the shit out of you and I'll fucken do it again."

Splinter stayed silent and just stared at me.

"I will leave once you have answer me these two questions."

I sighed "Make it quick."

"Does your clan have a name?"

"Yes, what kind of question is that?"

"What is your clan name?"

I sighed "In English it's The Fang Clan."

Splinter gasped.

"What?" I asked confused.

Suddenly, Splinter stood up and walked out the lab.


A few seconds later, I heard faint voices outside the lab then Leo came in with a glare "Y-you're a mutant snake?! Did you go through all this just to get to us!? Betray us a few times so you can cry, so we'd feel sorry for you then get to us and kill us!"

I was speechless "What?"

Suddenly, I felt something heavy pushed down on my chest.

Leo had his forearm pressed on my chest and one of his katanas on my throat.

"You think you can betray us again, just for your clan's honor?!"

The heartbeat was beeping rapidly on the heart monitor and I was starting to have trouble breathing.

"I don't.....know.....what your......talking.....about." I barely managed to say.

"Don't even try covering the truth!" Leo growled as he pressed the blade harder against my throat.

I can feel that he made a small cut on my throat and blood oozing from the cut.

I was fighting my best against the shackles but it was no use. I knew I was done for, as I couldn't get a single breath of air in my lungs now.

So this is how I'm going to die, one of the worst ways possible, suffocated to death, splendid.

I was slowly seeing black spots forming in my vision and I could faintly feel my hands laying on the metal table as the strength was being drained out of me.

"P-please." I said before passing out.


I groaned as opened my eyes. I realized I was still I in Donnie's lab and chained to the table. I blinked a few times to gain my vision back. Knowing I was still chained, I didn't struggle, but I still tugged here and there.

Donnie came over to me with a plain expression "Sorry about Leo. We aren't exactly friends with your kind." Donnie said crossing his arms.

I sighed "Tell me what's so bad about my kind."

"There's a massive groups of murders by you. Believe me when I tell you, more than half the people you assassinated, were innocent. I looked you up through legends and myths and all it says is that you're a masked murderer." Donnie explained.

I gave him a disbelieving face. I wanted to cuss him out but then a thought came to mind. Every person I killed seem innocent and acted it as well. They were easy to kill and also when I stalked them, they seemed too nice, and when I killed them, they had a pure look of terror.

I closed my eyes and a tear fell "I never knew...." I said in a choking whisper.

Donnie came closer to me and rested a hand on my shoulder "Sorry Becka to tell you this but, Splinter is deciding whether to kill you or not. By my opinion, he might." Donnie said sadly.

I sniffed, crying "It's okay, if I live, I'll probably commit, for killing innocent people."

He wishes I kill myself.

"Don't say that, I know you made bad choices, but if you gain Splinter's trust then you can prove yourself and kill Shredder and everyone who sent you to kill someone else." Donnie suggested.

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"I care because I saw that you were hesitant when aiming your crossbow at Leo and when you aimed your 9mm at him. You care about him." Donnie said smiling.

I smiled slightly "Yeah I do, he hates me though."

"Don't worry Becka, just rest." Donnie said.

I nodded while giving a shaky sigh.

Donnie quietly walked out the lab as he left me here, alone.


Hey guys turbomonkey101 here, so what do you guys think is going to happen, is Splinter going to kill Becka or will he give her another chance to redeem herself?

Comment, Vote and Share :)

Peace and Love bye!

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