Framed for betrayal

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Viper's P.O.V.

*One week later*

I woke up with pain in my stomach.

Ughh, what the fuck? Why is my stomach hurting so much, it has to be because of Donnie's tracker.

I slowly made my way to Donnie's lab while hunching over a bit due to the pain.

I burst through the door "Fix it! Now!" I yelled.

"Fix what?" Donnie asked.

"I'm having pain in my stomach and the only reason I know for a fact why it would be hurting is because of the damn tracker, now fix it." I said.

"Okay let me see what the problem is on the computer." he said typing away on the keyboard. A few seconds later....

"There's nothing wrong with the tracker. Everything is fine." he said.

"No. Everything's not fine Donnie, obviously something is wrong with this fucken tracker of yours!"

"What's all the yelling for?" Raph asked while walking into the lab along with Mikey and Leo.

"Nothing, she's just complaining of stomach pains and she's blaming me for the tracker. I searched my computer and there isn't a single problem with it." Donnie said.

"That's a fucken lie! There's something wrong with it!" I yelled.

"Look Becka, Donnie is never wrong when it comes to technology so just take his word. There's nothing wrong with the tracker." Leo defended Donnie.

"Do you really think a stabbing pain in your stomach is nothing?!?" I yelled getting angry at Leo now.

Leo grabbed my arm gently and led me to the living room. Leo made me sit on the couch then gave me a questioning look.

"Show me." He said a little demanding.

I rolled my eyes then laid back and lifted my shirt to show my stomach. The area that hurt was covered in glowing scales. Not including my tattoo.

Leo grazed his hand on it and I hissed in pain. Leo looked at me "I don't think it's the tracker." He said. Leo looked at Donnie who walked into the living room "It's not the tracker but it looks bad." Leo said.

"What's the problem?" he asked walking around the couch.

"I don't know but it looks bad." Leo said.

Donnie crouched down next to me and looked at my stomach. "Have these scales been here before?" Donnie asked me.

"First time I've seen them." I said.

Donnie lightly touch the glowing scales and once again I hissed in pain.

"What do you think it is?" Leo asked.

"I don't know, I've never seen this before." he said tapping his finger on his chin.

"Does this run in your clan?" Leo asked.

"Yes but it's only those who have reached their full potential. Thing is, I've already reached my full potential so I don't know what the hell that is."

"Okay let me get something from the lab."

Soon enough, Donnie came back with some tweezers.

"Woah woah woah! What the fuck are you doing with those?" I sat up from the couch.

"I'm just going to get a single scale and do some tests on it." he said.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I jumped off the couch and took a couple steps back from Donnie. "You've already cut me open and put a microchip in me, I'm not letting you pull something off my body!" I yelled while putting a hand on my stomach.

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