Phase 2

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Leo's P.O.V.

"But Master Splinter, what if she finds out our location?" I asked. Currently I was in the dojo with Master Splinter, discussing about my encounter with Viper last night.

"She won't my son. You must be more aware if someone is watching or following you when you go up to the surface." Splinter said.

"But sensei-"

"Leonardo!" Splinter yelled. I kept my mouth shut. "You and your brothers actions have consequences. If you didn't hear footsteps last night of this so called 'Viper' following you then she would have found out the location of our home. My son, you must be more careful from now on, is that understood?!" Splinter raising his voice.

"Hai sensei." I said bowing my head with slight frustration.

Raph slid the dojo door open and poked his head inside. "Almost time for patrol O'Fearless leader."

I rolled my eyes. "Be there in a second."

Raph nodded and left the dojo. I stood up and starting walking towards the door.

"Be safe my son." Splinter said behind me.

I quickly turn, bow to him and walk out the lair.

Viper's P.O.V.

"Is everything set?" I asked the Purple Dragons.

"They should be out, now let's start the show." Fong, the leader of the Purple Dragons said.

"Alright." I took out my combat blade strapped to my upper thigh and made small cuts on arms, a few on my stomach and semi long cut on my cheek.

"Now, get into positions." I whispered.

They surround me as they took out their pocket knives. I laid down on the ground, and took in a deep breath and screamed. We waited a few seconds until we heard their footsteps on the roofs, coming closer and closer to us.

"Begin." I whisper to him. They begin to act like they were cutting me with their knives as I shielded my head with my arms as they did some actual deep cuts on me. "Not so fucking deep, dibshits." I whisper to them.

They just laughed at my comment.

Suddenly I heard some weapons being unsheathed. "Step away from the girl and leave." I heard one of the turtles demand.

"" I whimper to them.

"Get out! This ain't got nothin' to do with you freaks!" Fong yelled.

"Actually it has everything to do with us dudes." Mikey, I believe, said.

I can feel my blood soaking through my clothes now. Oh great, this isn't going to wash out. At least it will seem realistic to the turtles.

"Turtles Attack!" I heard Leonardo shout.

Now it's time for me to take a hit to the head, literally. I see Fong's foot coming at my head and the last thing I see before getting knocked out, was a pair of green feet running at me.

Raph's P.O.V.

I saw Fong raised his leg and I knew what was coming next. I ran towards him to try and save the girl but...I was too late, Fong had already kicked the young girl in the head as her head whipped to the side and she collapsed to the floor. Fong kicked her so hard that it sounded like a gun going off.

I growled in anger and before I could crack his skull open he yelled. "Retreat!" All three of the Purple Dragons quickly scurried out of the alley.

"Get back here! I'm not through with you yet!" I yelled in pure anger.

"Raph forget about them, we need to worry about the girl right now." Leo said.

Hired to kill the turtles(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now