First encounter

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Viper's P.O.V.

His hand was coming too fast for me to dodge and my body landed onto a pile of broken, useless pipes. The side of my face ached with pain as it throbbed.

Looking up at Leonardo, Leo got on top of me, grabbing my neck, and pressed one of his katana blades against my throat. I coughed feeling his fingers dig under my Adam's Apple and suffocated me.

What a dirty move I thought to myself.

"Why are you following us?!" Leonardo yelled, gritting his teeth.

I choked while laughing. Luckily it was too dark for him to see my face because my hood fell off.

"I won't ask again!" Leo snapped putting more pressure on the blade as it slightly started to cut my skin.

"Y-Your L-Leonardo...P-Pathetic..." I said in a Russian accent, hiding my voice.

I kicked and nailed Leo in the stomach. Leo groaned and fell over releasing my neck. Taking no hesitation I stood and backed away, ready for Leo's attack. Realizing my crossbow fell out of its holster I cursed under my breath as Leo came at me with his swords.

"Do you think a simple kick would help you?" Leo yelled swinging his swords towards my head as I ducked every time.

"No," I said then did a roll over to my crossbow by the broken pipes and aimed it a Leo "I think killing would help, but too bad my boss didn't want you dead, it's a shame. I would love to skin you and make a cute turtle skinned bag." I said then shot an arrow and it hit Leo's hand.

Leo dropped his sword and came at me raging with anger. I ran at him as well then slipped underneath him as he kept running then turned and pushed him into the sewage with my right foot.

"You fight well turtle, until next time." I said running away from him as I heard his brothers nearing our location.

"Who are you?!" he said climbing out of the deep gooey water.

I stopped at the end of the tunnel and turned my head slightly "Viper."

I ran again and away from Leonardo and his brothers as I made my way to a ladder leading to a manhole cover.

Leo's P.O.V.

Viper? What kind of name is that? I thought as I yanked the mini arrow out of my hand.

"Leo! Are you okay bro?" Mikey asked with great concern.

"Yeah just a few bruises and cuts, that's all." I said. I looked at my brothers "What took you so damn long to get here?!"

"Sorry but Donnie and Raph got into a fight again." Mikey said in a annoyed voice.

"Who the hell did this to you?" asked Raph.

"I don't know, they were wearing a hood and I couldn't get a good glimpse of who that was. All I know so far is that it's a girl with a Russian accent who fought me. She goes by the name of Viper."

"So it's either she's really good or you just plain out suck." Raph teased.

Now all my bros were laughing at me cause I got beat by a girl.

"Shut it and let's get back to the lair to tell Master Splinter." I ordered.

As we made our way back to the lair, I couldn't stop thinking about that Viper girl, the only question on my mind......

What does she want from us?

Viper's P.O.V.

Damn, that turtle was good but I could have killed him in a second if I wanted to. It seemed like he was having more trouble than me, I guess I'm just that good.

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