I'm not going back!

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Viper's P.O.V.

"Natasha stop! You don't even know where it's at!" I yelled at her while she unhooked my I.V.s.

"Do you want to die?" she said coldly.

I can't go back to the lair, even when I don't know if Leo is alive or not. Even if he is alive, he could be in a comma because he lost so much blood.

"Look Becka, it's either you stay here and die slowly and painfully or you go and ask them for medical help." she continued to unhook my IVs.

But then I remember about my blood and venom to make my body instantly heal "Stop! I know another way to heal myself just hear me out!" I yelled.

She stop and looked at me giving me an expression saying 'Then tell me.'

"Okay I'm going to need to grab a syringe, that's all."


Within seconds she came back with a sanitized needle.

I had her mix my blood and Viper venom until she gets a orange liquid.

"Okay now what?"

I sighed "I need you to inject it through my neck, it's the only way for my body to heal all my wounds."

She nodded and she slowly put the needle in my neck. I twitch in pain as I felt it coursing through my body, it felt like small little ants biting me here and there.

"What the?" Natasha said as she most likely saw that my wounds were healing themselves.

I sighed as I felt the pain subside. I sat up and moved my joints. Cracking and popping them as I stretched my body.

"Could you grab my clothes please, I don't want to walk around your home in just a gown."

She laughed and walked to a closet, she took out my clothes that were now clean. "I sewed your jacket together but your jeans were to torn to fix. I brought you some jeans though, hope I got the right size for you." she said while handing me my clothes.

"Thanks." I said.

"I'll be outside if you need me." with that, she left the room.

I sighed and got out of bed. I quickly changed into my grey jacket and slipped on the dark blue jeans. Lucky for me they fit perfectly.

I walked to the door and opened it, only to see Natasha leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"You hungry?"


She smiled and gestured me to sit on a bar stool. "I'll make you something to eat really fast." she said turning the stove.

"You live here? Or is this a temporary home?"

"A temporary until you brother is dead."

"Lovely." I said.

"So I've been meaning to ask you, what do you plan on doing against the turtles? You gonna kill them? If you do then I want in on it."

"I'm not going to kill them but I hate everyone except Leo for what they've done to me." I said clutching my fist in anger and looking down at my hands.

Deep down inside I was actually terrified of them. They have nearly beaten me to death, twice. If I ever encounter them again, I afraid that they'll kill me.

"Becka." Natasha said.

I look up at her.

"You said that they kept and treated you as a prisoner, their master forced you into experiments and they nearly killed you, not once but twice and yet you forgive them! What the fuck is wrong with you!"

Hired to kill the turtles(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now