Taming the snake

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Donnie's P.O.V.

I was checking up on Leo to see on how he was recovering from his gunshot wound to his hip. So far his wound wasn't healing up as fast as I wanted it to.

"Let's hope you get through this without any permanent damage." I said.


I look up to see Master Splinter at the door way.

"I must speak to you."

"How come sensei?"

Splinter sighed slightly before gesturing me towards the dojo. After I walked into the dojo, Splinter told me to close the door.

"What is this about Master?" I asked.

"Is it true Viper can heal when in her mutant form. Heal as in, super healing?"

I nodded.

"Would it be possible to use some of her blood to help Leonardo heal?" He asked.

"I really doubt she will be willing to give us her blood sensei."

"And what makes you say that?"

"Well, she's pretty mad that one, we put a tracking device in her and two that she's a "prisoner" here."

"Then what do you suppose we do?" Master Splinter asked.

"Well, I really don't want to take it by force sensei. She might start retaliating even more against us."

Splinter thought about it "Donatello may I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Why do defend her?"

"Because she could help us in many ways." I explained.

Splinter walked a little closer to me.

"Then tell me, my son, how can she help us?"


"Is there a problem?"

"She told me she's more skilled than us, I believe her considering she fights like a level 3 black belt and my brothers and I aren't even black belt." I explained.

"This, my son, only makes her even more dangerous and another reason to keep her down here. She cannot help us in our mission in defeating the Shredder." Splinter said.

I looked down then back at Splinter.

"We've treated her unfairly father! She was lead wrong, she was beaten almost to death....TWICE! She spared Leo's life because she loves him!-" I explained.

"My son-"

"She deserves better than this! She deserves her revenge!-" I yelled.


"No, Splinter, you listen!" I yelled.

When I realized what I had said, I put my hand over my mouth.

"Donatello." Splinter said in an angry voice.

"Master I'm-...my apologies father." I said kneeling down as he walked up to me.

"I will listen... But first... Hand over your Staff... You are forbidden to fight for a month." Splinter said angrily.

I sighed feeling terrible then gave him my Bo Staff.


"Just hear her out sensei, please that's all I ask."

Splinter stroked his beard "Have you and your brothers bring the girl in here."

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