Stolen Soul

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Cade's P.O.V.

I woke up with my head throbbing in pain. "Leo? Becka? A-Are you guys alright?" I asked

I heard nothing.

"Leo? Beck-" I gasped when I saw it was night time at the farm house and everyone was gone.

I stood up "Becka! Leo! Where are you! Becka!" I yelled into the night

I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed Splinter's number on the "cheese phone" as he called it.

It rang twice before I heard someone on the other line say "Moshi Moshi?" (Hello?) Splinter asked

---TIMESKIP---Shredder's lair

Leo's P.O.V.

I opened my heavy eyes and looked around. It wasn't surprising that I was in a cell and chained to the wall. I looked across from the cell in the hallway was another cell. Becka was in it.

"B-Becka..." I said in a whining and painful groan.

She didn't respond nor did she move a single muscle. I looked closer to see that she was on her knees with arms chained to the side of the walls. She was still unconscious judging on how she was hanging her head low.

"Becka." I said and yet again she didn't move a single muscle.

I was going to say her name again except a little louder this time but then I heard the sound of two female voices that I can never forget.

I heard a loud door creak open as the voice's of Natasha and Karai came closer.

They stop in front of Becka's cell. "Oh look, she's still knocked out." Karai laughed.

"Let's just hurry up and get this over with." Natasha said as she reached to the cell bars.

"Stay away from her!" I yelled.

"Aaaand the freak is awake." Natasha said as if she was already annoyed with me.

I growled "When I get out of this cell you're both dead meat." I said in an angered tone.

"We'll let Becka decide that one." Karai said.

"What?" I said in confusion

"Watch and learn." Karai said to me before they walk into her cell.

"No! Leave her alone!" I yelled in anger.

"Wake up!" Natasha yelled at Becka.

Becka didn't move or say anything.

"I said wake up!" she yelled then kneed Becka in the stomach

Becka groaned in pain and I saw her clench her fist. She began to cough and wheeze, as she tried to get a breath of air.

"Morning, did you sleep well." Karai laughed.

Becka slowly looked up, meeting her eyes with Karai. "I'll sleep well when you're dead." Becka then tried to launch at Karai but she realized the chains on her wrist wouldn't let her. I saw her trying to stand up but I had just noticed that there were chains on her ankles and those were attached to the wall behind her.

Karai and Natasha laughed at her struggle.

Becka stopped struggling and stared at Natasha "What do you want from me." she said.

"It's nothing personal really." Natasha said.

"Nothing personal my ass." Becka said.

Suddenly, Becka's head snapped violently to the side. Natasha had punched her so hard that it even made the chains rattle.

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