How can they be evil?

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Viper's P.O.V.

Hamato Yoshi caught the knife I threw at him. "Panicking" I was able to break the other wrist shackle and then I was able to get the ankle shackles. Now free of binds I hopped off the table and ran towards the exit but then Leo got in front of me.

"Miss we need you to calm down." Leo said in a sweet voice. Trying to play along I calmed down and back away slightly. Leo smiled knowing I was responding 'okay'.

"Where am I?" I asked, acting shaken up.

"You're in my brother, Donnie's, lab. You were being mugged by a gang called the Purple Dragons." Leo explained.

I looked at Splinter then at Raph then back at Leo "Am I seeing things?" I asked.

Leo shook his head. "No but I'm Leo, that's Raph, Master Splinter and my other two brothers are Donnie and Mikey. Mikey wears the orange mask, Donnie wears the purple mask" Leo explained, "What's your name?"

"Becka." I replied.

"Where are you from?" Raph asked curiously.


Raph raised and eyebrow and said, "Imma go feed Spike." then left the room without another word.

"Miss Becka is it? Are you alright? My son, Leonardo, said you took a brutal beating." Splinter said.

How strange, Shredder said these guys were mean, evil, and gruesome. They seem like heroes and protectors of people. Hmm... Now that I think of it my trap for them, kinda proved Shredder's theories wrong about them being villains. They saved or kinda saved a girl from being mugged by the Purple Dimwits.

Ah what am I kidding, a million dollars, I could buy a new set of guns with a house that I could call home, for once.

I nodded at Splinter. "Yeah, my head still hurts a little." I said rubbing the side that Fong kicked me.

Note to self: Kick Fong's ass when you see him.

"Donnie said you have a concussion. It should heal within a month." Leo smiled.. Is it me or is Leo...Cute? I mentally slapped myself. Hell no! Don't fucken think that! I'm a trained assassin, trained to rid evil in his wretched world and I cannot fall in love for what I'm fighting against!

"Would you please explain to me, in why you would carry this knife with you, Miss Becka?" Splinter shocked me out of my thoughts.

"It's not the first time someone has tried to mug me." I said making up an excuse.

"Then why didn't you use the knife against the Purple Dragons?" Leonardo dared to question me.

Nosy little reptile aren't you?

"I tried to reach for it but unfortunately they had already jumped me with their blades."

"Well then there is no need to fear Miss Becka, you are safe here, in our home." Splinter reassured me.

"And.....exactly where is "home"?" I stated.

"Well right now, you're in the sewers." Leo said calmly.

I decided to act shocked.

"No wonder it smells." I said out loud.

Suddenly, Splinter pointed my combat knife at me. I got startled until he flips the blade, so the handle was facing me. I 'cautiously' grab it and put it back in it's sheath.

"Um..thank you, for saving me and for patching me up." I extended my hand out for Splinter.

"The pleasure is ours, Miss Becka." he shook my hand.

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