A true act of betrayal

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Viper's P.O.V.

Natasha and I set the last few wires in place. The bomb was set to blow up in one minute.

I looked at Natasha "Are you sure there is no innocent people in there?"

"Yes, I checked twice." Natasha said.

"Alright." I said walking over to my sniper rifle.

"So you understand your end of the mission?" I asked loading my gun

"Loud and clear." she said putting her mask on.

"Just in case, cause I know how you forget things in plans." I smirked "While you're blowing up the building I'll make sure that there are no survivors escaping the building or jumping out of the building to escape." I gave a small laugh.

"So you're just gonna sit here on this rooftop, just shooting at people?" she questioned.

"Fuck yeah." I said.

Natasha smiled and rolled her eyes. "Alright, see you in thirty miles." she said walking away.

"Wait!" I called out.

She turned around "What?"

"Hand over the cigarettes." I said.

She laughed and tossed me a pack.

"And the lighter." I added.

"Oh come on!" she complained.

I raised an eyebrow telling her to 'give it to me'

She tossed me a torch zippo lighter with some dragon designs on it.

"I'll keep it safe, don't worry." I said.

She walked away giving me the finger.

"Love you too!" I put a cigarette in my mouth and lit it.

I rolled my eyes then sat on a rooftop nearby. About a few mins later, the bombs around the base of the building of TCRI blew, and the walls started to crumble.

"Guys, retreat!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

"Leo?" I asked myself.

I stood. I looked towards the giant hole in the wall and saw the turtles trying to climb out of it.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here!?" I yelled to myself. I took the cigarette out of my mouth and threw it on the ground before stepping on it.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Natasha running back to where I was standing.

"What the fuck are you doing just staring at the building?" Natasha said taking her mask off.

"The turtles are trapped in the building! I thought you said there were no innocent people in the building!"

"When I checked there wasn't, they must have slipped in when I was coming back here."

Suddenly I heard the sound of Mikey's blood curdling scream coming from the burning building.

I turned to see the brothers trying to save Mikey from being squished from a giant piece of concrete ceiling. I ran towards the building.

"Are you fucking serious!?" Natasha yelled.

Leo tried to get Mikey but Donnie and Raph pulled him away and out of the building. Oh no!

I ran into the burning building and climbed up to the floor where Mikey was.

Once I reached the floor Mikey was on, I saw Mikey laying on the floor with a giant piece of concrete crushing his legs.

I run over to him and grab the concrete but immediately retract my hand away from the hot rock.

Hired to kill the turtles(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now