Traking my every move

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Viper's P.O.V.

I wake up with excruciating pain on my shoulder and on my lower stomach.

I open my eyes to see that I had an oxygen mask on and an I.V. on my left arm. As well as another needle with blood going in my arm. I look at my right arm to see my shoulder wrapped and some blood bleeding through. Of course, I still had the shackles on my wrist and ankles.

Pain kept increasing in my stomach and I looked to see that it was heavily wrapped but with some blood still bleeding through the gauze.

I try to sit up but I was in to much pain to even move.

The lab door suddenly opened and Donnie walked in. "Oh you're awake."

I was beyond pissed at him and I turn my head to avoid my gaze at him.

"Becka, I'm sorry. Listen, if it were up to me I wouldn't have put a tracker on you in the first place."

I still faced the wall, ignoring everything he said.


"Fuck off, Donnie." I said I wished I could turn my full body around but because of the fucking shackles, sadly, I can't.

All of a sudden I felt my wrist shackles being tugged on. I turned my head back to see Donnie taking my shackles off. Once Donnie moved to my ankle shackles, I sat up, groaning slightly.

I looked at Donnie "Why are you unchaining me?" I asked while removing the oxygen mask on my face.

Donnie finished unchaining my ankles then looked at me "You have a tracker in your stomach, I trust you enough without it but." Donnie sighed as he took out the needles in my arm and put a small band aid on them.

I rubbed my wrist that had red markings then looked at my stomach. I could see that my stomach was heavily wrapped and I have no idea why Donnie would work on my stomach. I sighed then stood. Well at least he fixed up my shoulder, but it doesn't hurt as much as my stomach.

Just as I stood and stretched, I heard a groan coming from the other side of the lab. I looked and saw that Leo was stirring in his sleep. He was still out cold, I'm guessing from the treatment Donnie gave him.

"He'll be alright. Leo has been through much worse." Donnie said almost choking on his own words.

"Don't even try to talk me, I'm still pissed off that you even proceeded with the order."

I walked over to Leo and examined him. Leo's mask was off and his armor, knee pads, and wraps were off as well. He looked weird without his mask, but strangely cute, and adorable. Shit I'm falling for him even more! God, I swear to god if I keep doing that I'm gonna-

"Becka, if you want something to eat you may go to the kitchen and help yourself to whatever you'd like." Donnie offered.

I ignored his statement and asked, without looking at him "Where will I be staying, as in "my own room" if your rodent master will allow it."

Donnie got furious at me and stomped over to me. "Don't ever disrespect my master." he hissed.

"Or what, you gonna kill me?" I said.

"Just because I was willing to defend your ass doesn't mean you can say whatever the hell you want about my master." he said in pure anger.

I smiled at his "threat"

"If you ever disrespect him again, I'll kill you." he held a tip of a cold throwing knife to my throat.

"Now Donnie, if you really want to kill someone then you don't put a blade at their throat." I lowered his hand so that it was on my chest bone "You stab them in the chest, nearly impossible to survive a stab wound there."

Hired to kill the turtles(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now