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Sakura was close to crying the reason being that she and her team got ambushed by one of konoha legendary sannin Orochimaru who bit Sasuke and gave him some kind of seal on his neck.

Naruto had tried to fight off Orochimaru but even he wasn't a match for the snake sannin as Sakura did the only thing she could and ran away with her unconscious teammates.

Sakura found a cave as she decided to hide there until her teammates wake up as she placed Sasuke and Naruto on the cave wall as she quickly went to get some medical supplies from her bag.

I'm to weak if Naruto hadn't jump in at the last second me and Sasuke would had died" Sakura thought to herself as she glance at her blonde teammate with sadness in her eyes.

Sakura came back with warm towels as she placed on Sasuke head and she placed another on Naruto head.

Once she made sure that her teammates were ok Sakura fell to the ground exhausted as she began crying.

Maybe after this I should take my training seriously my team always has to save me" Sakura thought to herself sadly she thought the ninja life would be easy she would let her teammates do all the work while she just stands there looking pretty but after coming face to face with death Sakura knew its time to get serious.

Sakura then remembered that her team got all the scrolls they required as she decided to do something something that she probably shouldn't do she opened one of the scrolls.

Smoke began coming out of the scroll as Sakura panicked and threw the scroll on the ground as some familiar came out of the scroll.

Iruka-Sensei" Sakura shouted as she hug her old teacher.

Sakura what happened and why do you look like you just came from war" Iruka asked as Sakura began explaining everything as Iruka had a serious look on his face.

Come on Sakura lets bring Naruto and Sasuke to the tower where the can get medical treatment" Iruka said he and Sakura turned around and saw something that greatly shocked them.

Sasuke and Naruto are girls!" Iruka and Sakura shouted

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