Meiko pov

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Meiko and Naruhi arrived back in Konoha as they headed straight to Tsunade office with the intent to punch her for sending them somewhere as dangerous and weird as Mystic Island.

They opened the door and to their surprise they saw Tsunade crying, Shizune with a sad expression on her face and a huge wooden box in the corner of the room.

Baa-chan what happened" Meiko asked as Shizune looked at her.

Meiko-chan there is no easy way of saying this but Jiraiya has died" Shizune said as Meiko eyes widened in horror as tears began falling down her face.

Y-you lying" Meiko said as she refused to believe Jiraiya of all people died until Shizune opened the wooden box revealing a very beaten up Jiraiya with multiple stab wounds on his body.

Naruhi hugged her twin sister, even though she only met Jiraiya for a short period of time she was thankful that the toad sennin took cared of Meiko.

How did he die" Meiko asked.

He went on mission to investigate the mysterious cause of why Otogakure was still functioning and let's just say he did his job correctly even though it resulted in his death" Tsunade said as she took a small picture as she handed it to Meiko.

Meiko looked at the picture as her eyes widened in shock as she looked at Tsunade and said.

But how me and Satsuki killed him" Meiko said as she slammed the picture down revealing the face of Orochimaru.

Correct you and Satsuki did kill Orochimaru but sadly you didn't kill his daughter" Tsunade said as Naruhi and Meiko jaw dropped to the ground.

W-what" Meiko said as she clearly refused to believe Orochimaru of all people had a daughter.

Yes Orochimaru has a daughter named Orochimara and she was banished from Otogakure for attempting to kill her father for the throne and absolute control over Otogakure" Tsunade said as Meiko immediately connected the dots.

But after I killed Orochimara, she returned and got full leadership over Otogakure" Meiko said as came to the realization that the mask figure who was stalking her and Naruhi was Orochimara.

Yes and that's not all apparently she managed to make Kakashi and Danzo tell her all the information and secrets of Konoha before she killed them" Tsunade said as Meiko cursed Kakashi for doing something so stupid.

But wait what about all the root shinobi and Hyuuga's we arrested" Meiko asked.

The root shinobi and Hiashi as all working under Orochimara and as for the Hyuuga members they were killed by Jiraiya in his last ditch effort to escape Otogakure" Tsunade said.

So what is Orochimara's goal" Naruhi asked.

To assume total control over every major ninja village in the lands, her main goal is to become the the queen of everything hence why she was banished from Otogakure due to Orochimaru seeing the violent behavior in his daughter" Tsunade said.

When does the war start" Meiko asked with a serious expression on her face.

According to Jiraiya report about five weeks" Tsunade said.

Good Shizune please tell all the ninjas to prepare and activate the chakra disruption seal" Meiko said as Shizune nodded as she quickly left the room.

Naruhi got tell all the rookies to prepare for war" Meiko said as Naruhi disappeared.

Baa-chan please tell me everything there is to know about Orochimara and don't leave out any details" Meiko said as Tsunade grinned.

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