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The man silently walked past the guards as he flashed his security key card.

With a slight nod from them, the man walked in through the double doors and found himself surrounded by five familiar faces.

Directly opposite to him was a lady with long silver hair and a grim smile.

"What is it, Agent?" She asked purposefully.

The man took a second to scan his surroundings, a habit he would unfortunately never get away from, even years after his retirement.

Next to the older lady was a young man in a suit with thick black hair and a sweet smile. On the other side was a young lady with flowing red hair and an extremely terrifying gaze. To the young man's left was a boy, one who had been propelled into his role far too young. He still had an innocence to him, like a child. On the right of the young lady was an older man with a firm gaze and beady eyes.

"Anytime now, Agent." The older lady asked.

"We need to call in Agent 847, ma'am. He will be imperative to our next case. The Counters team has just lost a member and this next task seems far too large." The man exclaimed.

"Why would we need him? The Counters have been doing perfectly well on their own." The younger woman questioned.

"Well, this mission is a little personal for him. You promised him this ma'am, that he could go after these people. Also, we need two people to go undercover as a young married couple. Agent 453 has barely enough practice in the field to take part. We need someone to go undercover with Agent 246. We need someone good." The man explained while looking at the older lady.

"Agent Choi, you don't have the authority to demand something from us." The younger lady explained.

"With all respect, ma'am I think I do. I was the first agent in your organization and I'm still working for you, even though I could be retiring." Agent Choi said angrily.

"Fine, Agent Choi. You can send out a request for Agent 847 to come immediately after he finishes his current mission. We have work to do if we want to integrate him in with the Counters." The older lady sighed.

"Thank you, ma'am." Agent Choi nodded before leaving the room.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Wigen?" The older man, Jong-guk, asked.

"I promised him that he could work on this case when he joined this organization. So, I'll keep my promise. Besides, Agent Choi makes a good point, we need someone skilled enough to adapt quickly to this mission." Wigen exclaims.

"Do you think I would have time to train with Agent 847?" U-sik, the young boy who had turned 18 recently, asked.

"I don't see why not. He always has time for you, U-sik." The younger man, Su-ho, exclaimed with a bright smile.

"I think you're making a mistake, Wigen. Agent 847 might be strong, but how is he going to handle this case when it's so personal to him?" The younger lady, Gi-ran, questions.

Gi-ran was one of their smartest. Always questioning things. Always thinking.

"Gi-ran, did you know I have never promised anyone anything before? Agent 847 has defied the odds and fought diligently for us, so I plan to make well on my promise. I understand your concerns, but we must put some faith in him to do his job." Wigen explained.

Gi-ran sighed in response. It's not like she didn't like the man. He was like a younger brother to her, but she knew how he was raised.

She could feel his anger at the world. With a match in his hand, he would willingly burn the world down. But she also knew he cared too much about those he still has here to ever do it.

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