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He couldn't help himself.

He kept glancing at Agent Do throughout the limo ride.

So Mun already found her to be incredibly beautiful, but something about her aura in the ball gown made her ethereal.

He tried to avoid looking at her again. He needed to focus on the mission.

He pulled out a minuscule earpiece that they were using to communicate with the other Counters.

In an attempt to not alert the limo driver, he turned Agent Do's face toward him and leaned in to place the earpiece in her ear.

Her breath mingled with his as she stared at him in confusion.

He quickly removed himself from her once he placed the earpiece in her ear and shot her a quick smile.

"I was just adjusting your earrings, love." He explained.

She must have felt the new presence in her ear because she just nodded at his excuse and went back to staring out the window.

When they arrived at the gala, he got out first and held his hand out to help her out of the car.

She took his hand and looked up in awe at the mansion in all its glittering glory.

Surrounding the mansion were hundreds of attendees dressed up in their finest suits and most extravagant dresses.

Strings of lights were placed along the stairs, guiding the attendees to the entrance of the event.

She gripped his hand tighter as they both carefully walked up the stairs.

Agent So told the guards their cover names and handed the guards their fake IDs.

Yung had some of the most advanced technology in the world, almost undetectable to most people.

So the process of making fake IDs for all their undercover missions was incredibly simple.

The guards nodded in approval and Agent So guided Agent Do into the building.

They had gotten a glance at some of the decorations yesterday during their reconnaissance, but the ballroom looked completely transformed.

The crystal chandelier glimmered above the room with people in an array of outfits talking, eating, or dancing in the ballroom.

Agent Do's anxiety spiked up at the reminder of her panic attack in this building.

Agent So, ever observant, held her hand tighter and gave her a reassuring smile.

Once they made it to the ballroom floor, they both immediately went into focus.

They had a mission after all.

Agent So guided her to the side of the room, walking them towards Mr. Bong Yongsun.

Mr. Bong was someone they had learned was a close confidant of the owners of the drug cartel.

They needed to find a way to connect with them and convince them they wanted to join their organization.

"Mr. Bong, it's a pleasure to meet you. My wife and I are truly avid supporters of your environmental legislation. We would love to talk to you about donating, perhaps we could set up a meeting?" So Mun asked while lightly clutching Hana's hand.

Mr. Bong was looking at them with a fake smile, watching them critically.

"How about some champagne? Let's sit down." Mr. Bong explained as he led them to a table.

As they sat down, a waiter passed them both glasses of bubbling champagne.

Hana took a sip before sending Mr. Bong a small smile.

dancing with our hands tied (by purplemango445 )Where stories live. Discover now