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Han Du-ho was the epitome of perfection.

A great student, worker, and an even more perfect son.

He was the one who meant the most to Mr. Han Seungri, alongside his wife.

Then, he was killed.

Slaughtered like a mere animal.

Their family business had been running for a long time.

Mr. Han tried to get Du-ho to pursue his education, find a respectable job, and make his own life.

But Du-ho was nothing if not loyal.

He finished his schooling and immediately came back to work alongside his father.

Du-ho was incredibly knowledgeable about the black market.

The drugs they were selling were valuable, but he had more connections that could get them better, newer drugs.

That's when he brought in the idea of selling a new variety of fentanyl.

"A friend in the States recommended it to me. It's incredibly rare and will make a lot of money." He said with a grin.

Mr. Han just smiled back and ruffled his hair.

Mr. Han might have been the head of the organization alongside his wife, but Du-ho was the brains and the heart.

They had been running their cartel for years, with Du-ho watching over and ensuring the safety of every worker and the proper shipment of the drugs.

So when Mr. Han heard speculations of the police planning on raiding one of their transports, he was immediately concerned.

"Let's leave this one alone, Du-ho. We can always send the shipment out another time." He stated calmly.

"We can't, Dad. We'll lose out on a lot of money. It needs to happen according to schedule." He responded back.

It didn't take much convincing, after all, Du-ho was always able to get away with everything.

"Please be careful, Du-ho." Ms. Seong said gently while combing his hair back.

"Of course, Mom. I'll be back in a couple of hours." He said with a smile before turning away.

Perhaps he should have been more adamant that he not go.

Maybe he shouldn't have pressured Du-ho all those years ago to be a diligent worker.

But, just like that he was gone.

His final smile etched in his mind for years to come.

Apparently, the speculations were right. The police had raided the building, and Du-ho quickly got the workers out, trying to protect them.

The police surrounded him quickly.

He resigned and followed them out, ready to face the consequences of his actions.

But a shot rang out.

A police officer had shot him in the heart.

That same officer claimed he was acting in self-defense and that Du-ho had a weapon.

The supposed weapon was actually his phone.

Du-ho wanted to send a message to them.

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