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All of the Counters were sitting on the couch, waiting for her to explain.

Right after the meeting, Mr. Han told them that he was in the process of purchasing a construction company to strengthen his cover.

They would have to come with him and meet with some important representatives in a few days.

Until then, they had to start collecting their evidence and properly formatting it for it to be used by the police.

Which was why she was here telling the Counters why she froze up in the meeting earlier.

Agent So's focused gaze was solely on her.

Something had changed with Agent So and her.

Ever since he helped her through the nightmare, she had noticed that he kept watching her, almost as if he was trying to find something in her movements.

As she struggled to find the words, Agent So gave her a reassuring smile.

With that, she let out a shaky exhale.

"Do you remember that mission I was on before I joined the team? Investigating my family's deaths?" She asked.

They all nodded, hesitancy present in their expressions.

"The reason the mission ended was that there were no leads, and I was becoming obsessed." She explained.

Agent So's gaze had become serious as he picked up where she was going with this.

"What happened in the meeting, Agent Do?" He asked.

"The pills Ms. Seong was talking about. They were the same ones I saw on the counter that day." She replied softly.

All the Counters' eyes immediately widened and looked at her.

Agent Chu, always empathetic, opened her arms out into a hug.

Normally, she wasn't one for physical affection, but she needed it right now.

With Agent Chu's warmth encompassing her, she turned her gaze to see Agent So contemplating.

"You heard her, Agent So. Those pills are so rare and impossible to trace. The only way my family could have gotten those was from Han Corporate." Agent Do's eyes narrowed in anger.

"Have you talked to the Yung officials yet?" Agent Ga asked softer than usual.

"I was going to head there afterward." She replied.

"Are you alright, Agent Do? Do you need anything?" Agent Na questioned concerned.

"No, thank you though." She responded with a slight smile, one that was fake.

She pulled away from Agent Chu carefully and glanced at all of them.

"I'll figure this out. I'll be careful this time. I promise." She stated confidently.

They all nodded, giving her the space she needed.

Agent Ga gave her a light squeeze to her arm and Agent Na sent a smile her way.

As they left, Agent Chu gave her a thumbs up.

Then there were two.

"You know. I'm starting to think you corner me on purpose." Agent Do said as she watched Agent So's tense posture.

"You think that Han Corporate might have killed your family, right?" He asked softly.

Her eyes widened slightly. She shouldn't have been surprised.

dancing with our hands tied (by purplemango445 )Where stories live. Discover now