CH-28: Euphoria (16+)

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"Love is a bridge built between hearts. With you, I've found the courage to cross it again."

"--And with every step we take together, I promise to make that bridge stronger, so you'll never have to cross it alone."

Y/N's Home - Dining Room - Evening

The dining room was alive with chatter and laughter as everyone enjoyed the delicious dinner. Plates were filled with an assortment of dishes, and the warm glow of the chandelier bathed the room in a cozy light.

Jimin: (gesturing with his fork) So, did you hear about the new art exhibit in town? We should all go together!

Taehyung: (excitedly) Yes! I heard it's amazing. Lots of contemporary pieces.

Sana: (laughing) Count me in! I love a good art exhibit.

Y/N: (smiling, turning to Jungkook) Hey, Jungkook, why didn't Grandma come tonight?

Jungkook: (softly) She wasn't feeling well. I didn't want to disturb her rest.

Y/N: (concerned) Oh, I hope she feels better soon.

Just as the conversation continued, the maid, bustling to add more food to the table, accidentally bumped into Jungkook. The sudden push caused Jungkook to drop his glass, which shattered on the floor.

Jungkook: (relieving a frustrated sigh) It's alright, it happens.

Y/N: (scolding the maid) You need to be more careful!

Maid: (apologetically) I'm so sorry, sir, ma'am.

Jungkook: (gently) Y/N, it's okay. Shrug it off.

Y/N noticed a small cut on Jungkook's palm, where the glass had nicked him. Her concern deepened, and she instinctively took his hand.

Y/N: (firmly) No, it's not okay. You're hurt. Come with me, let's get that cleaned up.

Y/N led Jungkook to her room, her friends giving them space as they handled the situation.

Y/N's Room

As Y/N carefully tended to Jungkook's hand, wrapping the bandage gently around his palm, Jungkook couldn't help but notice something that caught his eye—the multitude of scratches on Y/N's wrist. They were faint, almost imperceptible, but to Jungkook's keen eyes, they spoke volumes.

Jungkook: (softly, noticing the scratches) Y/N...

Y/N paused, her movements faltering for a moment as she realized Jungkook had noticed.

Y/N: (hesitantly) Oh... It's nothing, just...

She trailed off, unsure of how to explain. She had hoped no one would notice, especially not Jungkook.

Jungkook: (gently) You don't have to explain if you don't want to. But... are you okay?

Y/N hesitated, her gaze dropping momentarily before meeting Jungkook's concerned eyes.

Y/N: (softly) It's... just from the past. I'm okay now.

Jungkook nodded, understanding in his eyes. He didn't press further, sensing that Y/N wasn't ready to share more. Instead, he reached out, placing his uninjured hand over hers.

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