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Namjoon's pov

Jin hyung turned around and looked at him, the anger evident in his eyes. He then looked back at Jimin and his eyes filled with horror.

He was barely breathing and covered in blood and he has long lost consciousness. A thud was heard as Yoongi hyung fell on his knees. His eyes not leaving jimins body.

He crawled to the place where he was lying unconsciously holding his body. The place was earily silent, with two unconscious bodies and six stunned people.

Hoseok broke the silence by driving the car over. Jin hyung picked Hyejin while Yoongi hyung picked Jimin, and Hoseok rushed us to the hospital.

They were both rushed into the ICU, and the frantic duo were stopped at the front as the door was slammed on their face.

One hour later, the light on Hyejins door turned green. The doctor came out with a blank face.

"She is alright. The forced penetration caused her insides to swell up. Her uterus has been affected and she might get difficulties during her periods and pregnancies." He says.

"T..thank you doctor, can we meet her." Jin hyung says. "Yeah, she will be transferred to the ward. You shouldn't croud around her. She'll wake up in an hour or two." The doctor said and pat hyungs shoulder.

Two nurses wheeled her out of the ICU on a stretcher into the VIP ward. We all waited for another hour in front of the ICU, but the light was still on, so we all decided to go and check on Hyejin.

When we went to the room, she was awake and panicking. The nurses were trying to calm her down, but their efforts went in vain.

"Hyejin-ah... oppa is here, don't panic oppa is here." Hyung said, hugging her while crying. "O-oppa.. Jimin... h-he... d-dirty... I'm dirty... I'm scared oppa..." she says, clinging onto him.

"You're safe now, oppa is here, he won't hurt you." He says. We all stayed silent. This was messed up. Everything was messed up. Why would Jimin do such a thing?

My phone rang, and the number displayed on the screen made my heart sink. Everything came crashing down as the understanding dawned on me. My hands shook as I tried swiping the phone to answer the call.

I went out immediately the line was connected and his voice came through.
"How did you like my surprise." He said, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"You bastard..." I seethe."I knew I was right to choose you, that IQ of yours was not just some publicity stunt after all." He chuckled before he continued.

"This is just the beginning Kim Namjoon, if you don't force Jimin back to me, I'll make sure you all suffer and die, I'll save you the last spot so that you see what your selfishness has caused..."

"...you'd watch as they suffer and kill themselves. For the finale you'd watch as I fuck Jimin for an entire year before I have you killed."

The beeping sound of the phone was like miles away. My body slid down the wall, tears flowing down my cheeks.

Why all of a sudden? What did we do to deserve this? Why will he do such a thing to his son? What type of crap mindset does he have? What does he want me to do now? How the fuck am I supposed to tackle this issue without hurting anyone?

I can't send Jimin back to him, not when I know what he plans on doing with him. I can never be at peace knowing that I was the one who sent him there.

I sobbed into my knees until i heard the clicking sound of the door opening. I looked up to see all of them looking at me.

"The nurse said that she had injected her with a sleeping dose. She won't come around until the next twenty-four hours. Let's go check on Jimin." Hoseok said, helping me stand up.

We made our way back to the ICU to find the light still on. It has been more than 2 hours now, how bad was he injured. We stayed there for another 40 minutes before the light turned green.

A nurse came out with a bin filled with blood-stainedd surgical tools, and the door shut once again. Ten minutes late,  the doctor came out with a blank face.

"D-doctor..." Yoongi and Taehyung immediately stood up seeing the doctor come out.

The doctor sighed before he spoke, "He is seriously injured, he broke two of his ribs, and he had an internal injury, there was a leakage in the stomach walls resulting in the flow of stomach acid. His intestine got burned in the process, but they will regenerate naturally. His arm was dislocated, and he had a sprain on his ankle."

"He will be observed for the next 24 hours, and then you can finally meet him. He won't be conscious for the next five days or a week at most."

We thanked the doctor as the nurses rushed out one after another. The room was cleared after some time, but we were not aloud inside. We could only see him from the glass door.

Jin hyung looked guilty, unable to look Yoongi hyung in the eye, not like he noticed his guilt anyways. His eyes never once left the glass door where Jimin was kept with tubes all over his body and a mask covering his nose.

If he feels guilty now, I wonder how he'd feel when he finds out none of it was his fault in the first place.

Whoever classified rage as one of the seven deadly sins knew what he was doing. Looking at Jimins current state, which was a result of one's rage, made me feel goosebumps in my body.

Even though given the chance, he will do it again. He will be sure to practice some restraints.

Jin hyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook went back to stay with Hyejin, while Taehyung, Yoongi hyung, and I stayed with Jimin.

Neither Yoongi nor Taehyung wanted to move an inch away from Jimin, so I was left to look after the three of them.

I'm no specialist, so just like the story, the doctors report was completely made up. I don't know if one can survive after being exposed to stomach acid or if damaged intestines regenerate or has to be replaced.



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