Re: LS | 16 | Hell on Earth: Gehenna's Gate

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So this is it, huh?" Ayato Morningstar laughed, the sound echoing off the cold stone walls of their cell as the guards prepared to handcuff him and Rin

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So this is it, huh?" Ayato Morningstar laughed, the sound echoing off the cold stone walls of their cell as the guards prepared to handcuff him and Rin. "Going out like demon kings," he said, glancing at Rin, who didn't share the same enthusiasm.

Rin's expression was grim, his eyes downcast. "This isn't funny, Ayato," he muttered, his voice heavy with despair. "This isn't how it's supposed to end."

Ayato shrugged, the weight of the situation pressing down on him, but he tried to maintain his facade of bravado. "Maybe not, but we're not done yet. We've still got one more fight in us, right?"

Rin didn't respond, his silence a testament to his internal struggle. The guards roughly shoved them forward, leading them out of the cell and towards the execution site. The corridors of the Vatican's underground prison were dimly lit, casting eerie shadows on the walls as they walked.

As they were marched through the hallways, Ayato's mind raced. He had to find a way out of this, not just for himself, but for Rin as well. When they reached the entrance to the execution platform, the doors creaked open, revealing a large, open courtyard filled with spectators. Among the crowd were many unfamiliar faces all clad in dark suits, some expressions were filled with pity, while others with disgust and anticipation.

The floor was ornately decorated with the summoning circles and at the head of the circle stood a singular cruciform all of this was located in front of a large throne that had a wonderful view of what was to come.




The day after Ayato was taken was hard on every member in Class A. They didn't really know if the boy was alive or not and they overall missed his presence in the class. The school day was quite bland without the albino and his grape friend didn't know how to break the news to the class.

"Mineta are you doing okay, Kero" Tsu question the small grape when the school day was finally over. They were all in homeroom, but the small boy spent the whole day being on edge.

"It's...just that.." The boy nervously tapped his desk as he got most of the class's attention. "They're going to execute Ayato!!!" He exclaimed shocking every student in the room.

"Execute?! Like this isn't some sick prank right?" Kaminari questioned the purple boy who shook his head.

"I'm dead serious. If you guys remember our friends that came over during the sports festival, they were the one's that told me" Mineta's eyes were watering.

"We have to tell the teachers!" Iida immediately headed towards the door.

"What are they going to do, Kero." Tsu stopped Iida. "Heroes can't get into exorcist business." she reminded.

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