Re: LS | 19 | Is it Anemoia or Deja Vu

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The public sentiment towards Ayato and Rin remains tense and hostile in the wake of the Vatican incident. Despite their heroic actions, the revelation of their demonic origins has sparked widespread fear and distrust, casting long shadows over their reputations. The world seems unforgiving, unable to look past the fact that they are spawns of Satan, despite the clear evidence that they fought to protect humanity.

Both UA and True Cross Academy are under immense pressure from various sides. The public is demanding answers and action, while the governments and oversight bodies are questioning the decisions made by the school administrations to keep the boys enrolled. The administrations of both schools, though firm in their resolve, are facing scrutiny and criticism for "endangering" the other students and for what many see as prioritizing the boys' welfare over the safety of others.

Protests have erupted outside both the UA and True Cross Academy, with parents, concerned citizens, and even some exorcists demanding the removal of Ayato and Rin. "No Devils in Our Schools!" and "Protect Our Children!" are common chants, with signs depicting the boys in grotesque, demonized caricatures.(Some are surprisingly accurate though) The protests are a constant reminder of the distrust and prejudice they face.

However within the exorcist and hero communities, opinions are sharply divided. Some support Ayato and Rin, recognizing their potential to do good and the sacrifices they've made. Others, however, view them as ticking time bombs, believing that their very existence could bring about future calamities. This division only fuels the public's anxiety, as even the experts can't agree on how to handle the situation.

Ayato and Rin are acutely aware of the hostility directed towards them. It's hard for either boy to walk around school without having to face it. The constant negativity slowly takes its toll, adding to their existing struggles with identity and purpose. They try to maintain a strong front, but the weight of public condemnation, combined with their own internal battles, makes every day a challenge.

Despite all this, there are those who stand by Ayato and Rin—friends, classmates, teachers, and a few exorcists and heroes who believe in their capacity for good. However, for now, the tide of public opinion remains against them, and it's unclear what it will take to turn it around.




The scene at the gates of UA High School was tense, as it had become a grim weekly ritual. A large crowd had gathered, holding up signs and banners with bold, inflammatory slogans like "Expel the Demon!" and "Keep Our Children Safe!" The atmosphere was charged with anger and fear, as protestors shouted demands for the school to remove Ayato immediately.

Parents, concerned citizens, and even some former heroes joined the ranks of protestors, their voices united in a cacophony of dissent. "You can't be letting a demon spawn hang around our children!" a woman in the front of the crowd yelled, her voice hoarse from repeated chanting. Others echoed her sentiments, their faces contorted with a mix of fury and fear.

The UA faculty had become accustomed to these protests, but that didn't make them any easier to deal with. Teachers like Present Mic and Cementoss, stood guard at the gates, doing their best to keep the situation from escalating. Some of the protestors pushed against the barricades set up by the school, shouting insults at the faculty members standing behind them.

Inside the school, students were on edge. They could hear the angry chants from their classrooms. Many of them were conflicted—some understood the fear of the protestors, while others were fiercely protective of Ayato. The albino, however, was nowhere near the gates. The faculty had made it a point to keep him away from these weekly gatherings, not just for his safety but also to avoid provoking the crowd any further. Still, he could hear the protests from wherever he was within the school, and each angry shout felt like another stone added to the already heavy burden on his shoulders.

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