~~Chapter 2~~

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-I get to go swimming today yay. I'm might not write much today but I'll publish a chapter or 2 sometime today. ~
~Chapter 2: From Region to Region~

Ash's pov:
I wake to my alarm blaring in my ear. I grab my phone and turn the alarm off and look at the time. 7:30 I read and groan. "I slept 30 minutes through my alarm" I grumble and get up. I pick up Pikachu and put him on the floor. I throw on a pair of clothes identical to the ones I wore yesterday. I grab my bag and quietly walk downstairs. Pikachu's tiny footsteps are heard behind me as I walk into the kitchen. I grab a few ketchup packets from the fridge and throw them at Pikachu. I take some snacks and put them in my backpack then walk towards the door.

As soon as I get outside Pikachu jumps on my shoulder getting comfortable and hitting me in the head with his paw in the process. "Damn pokemon" I whisper to myself rubbing my head. I walk towards the Professor's place adjusting my backpack to make it at least bearable to walk with. When we get to the Professor's Pikachu jumps off me and runs to the door. I sigh at him and open it for him when I get to it. He runs inside and into the field as I go talk with the Professor Oak. "Ah Ash I heard your going on another journey. Are you taking some pokemon with you" He says handing me some potions and berries before I can even ask. I nod and put the supplies in my backpack. I walk over to the pokeballs that were lined up on a shelf with lables for the pokemon. I think hard and grab Charizard's pokeball hooking it in the second spot on my belt. Now all my pokemon from my previous adventures are here even the ones from Alola which is awesome that Professor took them in for me. I grab Lycanroc's pokeball asking Pikachu if we should bring him. "Pikaaa" He squeals so I take that as a yes and hook it to my belt. I don't know the last pokemon I should take so I walk out into the field.

As soon as I shut the door and take 10 steps I'm bombarded with everyone rushing at me. I close my eyes  ready to be ran over but nothing came. I open them to see them starring at the pokeballs on my belt. "So can I talk to Lucario, Charizard, Lycanroc and Greninja" I ask and everyone else disperses besides the 6 of us. "I'm going on a journey and I have to pick between Lycanroc, Lucario and Greninja" I say and they all look at each other. I know this is a hard choice because I'm sure they all want to go on another journey. "You guys debate it. I need 2 of you so pick by the time I come back I'm going to talk to the Professor" I tell them and wak off. Pikachu stays behind to help them which I'm grateful for. I walk up to the Professor Oak in thought. "Ash what's got you so troubled" He questions seeing the troubled look I had. "Well professor I'm only planning on taking 4 pokemon with me to leave some room for wild pokemon but I can't decide between 3 of them. If only the stupid rule of carrying 6 pokemon didn't exist." I rant to him. "Ash your the champion now. That means you can now have 10 pokemon on your team if you wish" He speaks to me in a matter of fact voice. (Pretend it's an actual thing for this fic.)

I run back to my pokemon with excitement. "Guys guys we can all go together!" I yell once I get near them. "Pikachu?" Pikachu tilts his head. "Apparently the Champion gets to carry 10 pokemon. It's great right" I say. They all squeal with excitement except for Charizard. I run back to the pokeballs and grab theirs. They all followed me into the lab waiting for me. "Alright guys let's go" I say and return them to their pokeball. Pikachu hops on my shoulder and I wak back out into the field to say goodbye to my pokemon for awhile.

After I say goodbye to my pokemon I say goodbye to Professor Oak. I walk out of the lab and release Charizard. "Hey Charizard mind can you fly us to Alola I never really got to explore and I want to start there" I ask him. He huffs smoke in my face and I cough. Once my eyes are clear I see him nod. Damn fire breathing dragon if I wanted to inhale smoke than I would smoke. I sigh and climb on him grabbing Pikachu and securing my backpack. I check my phone to see the time. It is already 8:20am so we should get halfway and take a rest then travel the rest of the way. Charizard takes off into the sky and I hold onto him tightly trying to make sure Pikachu doesn't fall off. One we are high enough he levels out gliding only flapping his wings when needed.

5 hours we've been flying for and I'm starting to get hungry. We're almost at Sinnoh when I tell Charizard to land when he sees the beach. About 10 minutes later he starts to descend scarring me because I wasn't paying attention. When we land Charizard shakes me off into the sand. I land on my back and groan. "Fuck you Charizard. Go fight some water pokemon" I say playfully and glare at him heaving myself up. He snorts laughing at me from what I can tell. I recall him into his pokeball and dust myself off. "Now I have sand in my hair" I groan and start walking towards Sunnyshore City.

Once we get in the city I go right to the Poke center. I walk in and go to Nurse Joy. "Welcome how may I help you" She asks me with a smile. "I need my Charizard an Pikachu healed we had a long fly here and I would also like to rent a room for the night" I say and give her my own smile. "Alright please put the pokeball in the tray an I'll take Pikachu. The check in desk is over there" She points to a small desk with a woman sitting down at it and then takes Pikachu off me. I nod and place Charizards pokeball in the tray an walk towards the desk to check in.

"I would like to rent a room for the night" I say when I get in front of her. "For how many" She asks me and starts typing in the computer. "Just one" I answer her. "Ok that will be 8,000 pokedollars" She says. I hand her the cash and she hands me the key card. Nurse Joy announced on the loud speaker that my pokemon were ready so I walk over to collect my pokemon. After I get them I walk out of the poke center to grab a bite to eat.

~A/N: I hope you guys like the pokemon I picked. If you don't then I guess oh well. I hope you guys liked this chapter it might be the only one posted today.

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