~~Chapter 10~~

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~Chapter 10: Injured in the Forest~

Ash's pov:
It was now Friday and Lillie wanted to go explore Kalos's forest and to camp. Of course she invited Bonnie to join so now the three of us are walking in the forest having no clue where we are camping at. Charizard is carrying all of the camping supplies while we walk. "Lil where do you want to camp. I can have charizard fly and find a clearing if you want" I say to her hoping for our misery to end. "I can send Braviary to do it since Charizard is carrying our things" She says and releases Braviary. She tells him what to do and he fly's off. "I haven't been camping in awhile" Bonnie state's looking around. "Nee" Dedenee squeals agreeing with his trainer. I laugh at the two and wait for Braviary to come back.

5 minutes later Braviary comes back and we follow him to a smal clearing that is semi covered with trees. "Thanks Braviary" Lillie says and returns him to his poke ball. "Alright let's get set up" O say and grab our tent. Bonnie brought her own tent so thats a plus. Lillie and I got to work on our tent while Charizard helped Bonnie with hers. After we were all done with the tents I set up a portable table. Thank god it's stable because that would be very bad. I had charizard help me put string around the tree. I hooked the string to the tarp and pull the tarp over out tents. Charizard tied the other pieces of string to the trees. "Thanks charizard. Now we have a tarp so if it does rain we won't get wet" I say and walk over to our bags. "I'll help Ash" Lillie runs over helping me grab our bags and bring them inside the tent. "I'll organize them if you set up the other thing outside" She says and I nod.

"Bonnie come help me set up this canopy" I yell an Bonnie comes running out of her tent. We set it up in 5 minutes and Bonnie grabs the cooking itemes for the fire. I tell her I will start the fire and for her to go finish setting up her tent. I gather some wood with Charizard and Lucario bringing big stacks back to the campsite. We place the wood down and Greninja organizes the wood pile. I put some of the old in the fire pit and grab some paper towels to shove under the wood. "Char give it a small fire please" I ask him and wak back to my tent. "Lillie did you set up in here" I ask before I even walk in the tent. I here her say yes as I walk in the tent. She got pretty far setting up the tent. There is a small snack bin on the side of our air mattress with some drinks. The power banks to charge our phones are in side pockets of the tent. Everything wa basically set up. I plop down on the air mattress and sigh. "Man I need a nap" I say yawning. "No you don't" She tells me getting up and leaving the tent. I groan and drag myself out of the tent and lean up against Char. "Charizard your so lucky you get to go in a poke ball I have to stay out and deal with life" I whisper to him and he huffs laughing at me. Bonnie comes out of her tent with a new pokemon following her. "You have a Kirlia cool" I say and admire her pokemon.

Kirlia kinda shoves past me to look at Lillie. "Lia Kirlia" It says pointing at Me and Lillie. "Yes there my friends Lia" Bonnie answer Kirlia. "Who wants lunch guys" I ask and they tell me yes. I go to the fire and put a pot on top of the rack. "Greninja come here" I yell for him. He comes running over to me. "Can you put some water in the pot" I ask an he nods summoning water and dropping it in the pot. I thank him and he runs back to the rest of the pokemon. "Alright let's see who can I use to help cut veggies" I say to myself. Uhh I'll just cut them myself. I start chopping the veggies on the foldable table.

Once I'm done chopping them I toss them into the pot of now boiling water. "I know there's some beef around here" I mumble to myself looking through the cooler. "Lillie did we pack beef" I ask yelling out to her. "Never mind" I yell again finding the beef in the second cooler. Who the hell packed the drinks and food? I put the meat on a paper plate and grab some seasonings shaking them onto the meat. Once all of the seasonings were on I rub them into the meat making sure it's all covered. I take the meat and put it in the pot setting a time I brought. I walk to my tent and lay down on the bed since the stew is going to take at least an hour. I slowly start falling asleep until someone jumped on me. My eyes shoot open to see blonde hair.

"Lillie what are you doing" I say and close my eyes again. "I'm cuddling since Bonnie said she was taking a nap before lunch" She says squeezing me tighter. "Your like a damn beware" I say and try to loosen her grip. She just laughs at me and I give up. "Where are the pokemon" I ask and Lillie says they're exploring. We lay there for about 5 minutes before I start to fall asleep again. Before I could sleep Lillie kisses me making me kiss back. Her lips taste like strawberries from her chap stick and it taste good. I break the kiss and she gives me a cheeky look. "You really won't let me sleep huh" I say. She smiles at me before getting up and leaving the tent.

2 minutes after Lillie leaves Pikachu runs in shouting. I groan and get up following Pikachu. He leads me to a beat up Fraxure. "What the hell happened" I shout rushing over to it looking at its injuries. "This looks pretty bad. Pikachu go find Lucario and tell him to bring me the emergency sprays and bandages. He nods and runs off. "What happened to you. You'll be fine hang in there" I say and lift his tail up. He roars and pulls away. I put my hands up and sit beside it. "Did someone abandon you here" I ask and he tilts his head. "Did someone tell you to wait here and they'll be back" I ask again. He nods stomps his foot. "I'm sorry Fraxure but your trainer abandoned you. I don't know why someone would abandon a strong shiny pokemon like you but there an idiot" I say and he looks devastated when I told him his trainer wasn't coming back.

Lucario and Pikachu Burt's through the trees stopping in front of me. Lucario hands me the emergency kit and I thank him. "Lucario can you tell Lillie to finish lunch and that I might be a while. He nods and runs off. I take some heal sprays and spray it on his wounds. "Pikachu he has frost burn get charizard"I say looking at his wounds. Pikachu runs off as I bandage his tail trying not to be to rough. "You poor thing we'll get you healed up and looking brand new" I say and finds some sticks to splint his tail with. Pikachu comes back with Charizard. I tell Charizard to radiate some heat and sit next to Fraxure to warm him up and hopefully melt the frost. "Hey Fraxure is it okay if I capture you so I can get you to a poke center" I say and I can see the debate in his eyes. Charizard starts taking to an he nods his head. "Great this will be much quicker" I say and pull out a poke ball. I hold it out to him and he taps it. The poke ball spins and eventually stops the light turning green and dings in success.

I run back to camp to tell them I'm going to the poke center. I get on Char and have him fly me over. Once we get to the poke center I rush in and run to Nurse Joy. I give the poke ball to Nurse Joy and sit in a chair waiting for Joy to come back. 10 minutes later Nurse Joy comes back and tells me that Fraxure will be in for at least another 2 hours to heal so I sit there waiting hoping he's okay.

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