~~Chapter 15~~

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-Chapter 15: Strange Things Happen~
(guys sorry it took so long 🙏 gomen nasai)

Ash pov:
Lillie and I have been traveling through Unova for quite some time now. Lillie has even caught a very protective Swanna. When Lillie first released it it looked at her than it looked at me before running after me. It took her a while for the stupid duck to stop chasing me. It's been half a year since my birthday an Lillie is now officially 20. She didn't want a birthday party so we just got drunk and had fun. In total we've been traveling for about 2-3 years now and we are thinking about heading back to Kanto to see my mom. I snap out of my head when I hear giggling. I shake my head and something falls off it. I look down to see a small Petilil on the ground. I crouch down and look at it. "Why hello there little fella" I say to it. It squeals at me and twirls around. Lillie laughs when it jumps at me again. "Hmm" I humm to myself. I dig through my bag and pull out a stone. "Did you sense this little fella" I ask and it tilts it's head. "You can have it" I say and place it on the ground. The petilil touches the stone and it starts to evolve. Once the blue light shimmers down a beautiful Lilligant twirls around. "Hey Lilligant. I know someone who could really use your help. Would you like to help her?" I ask putting on a smile. The Pokemon thinks for a second before nodding. "Perfect" I say and take out a pokeball. It walks up to the pokeball and taps it. It dings right away the Pokemon not putting up a fight. I grab it and put it in my bad with the present for my mom. "Who is it for Ash" Lillie questions me. "It's for Mom" I simply say as we start walking towards the airport. "I can't wait to see her again. She's such a kind woman" Lillie says and I snort. "Yeah if only you knew" I whisper to myself but somehow she heard me. I get whacked in the back of the head and some suggestive words were said. I say sorry and we walk in silence. "I'm hungry" She blurts out ruining the silence. I groan because God only knows what she wants now. "I have a protein bar" I offer and she shakes her head. "Well than wait till we're on the plane" I say as we reach the airport. Now I could fly on Charizard but it will put a huge strain on him and I don't want the spa bill.

Once we checked in we sit down and wait for our loading time. Thank god that's it's only in 30 minutes because I can't stand the people we are next to. Lillie gets up to get a drink and I'm left with a sleeping Pikachu. I release Umbreon and he stares at me. It's been awhile since I left him out so I can't blame him for having no idea what's going on. He lifts his head in the air and starts sniffing like Lycan. I raise and eyebrow at him and he looks at the spot Lillie was sitting in. "What's wrong Vee" I ask and he tilts his head at me. "Umbreon" He says and runs in a circle. I watch him confused out of my mind. Lillie comes back and asks what happened. I shrug at her question as Vee runs up to her. They have a starring contest before Lillie puts her finger to her lips in a hush motion. I narrow my gaze at them. "Gate 10 is now boarding. Gate 10 is now boarding." An announcement rings throughout the airport. I return Vee and we walk towards our gate. We give them our luggage and walk into the plane. After getting situated the plane finally takes off. I kinda feel bad for the flight attendants because there are some pretty rude people on here. I look at Pikachu who is currently nestled in Lillie's lap. "He's been doing that a lot lately" I thought as I stare. Lillie notices my stare and smiles at me. I smile back before I turn my head to look out the window. My mind wanders back to my first few years of traveling. "The fun I had" I thought before I close my eyes. I ended up falling asleep for the rest of the way. I woke up to Lillie tapping my forehead. The Captain announces that we are going to land and the flight attendant takes it away from there.

"Uhh what a small plane" I say and stretch my legs hearing a pop from my knees. "Ash you sound like an old man" Lillie says and I laugh. We walk through the Viridian forest and route 1. "Hey let's stop at the professor's first yeah" I say and she nods. Pikachu squeals and runs past us. We laugh and run after him. We finally catch up to him when he stops at the lab. We walk in and it's a mad house. Pokemon running all over the place. I see Gary trying to stop a charmander from burning the place down and I snicker. "Hey everybody" I say with a loud voice and wave. Everyone stops an looks at us. It look like time was frozen. "Umm guys" I say nervously. Forget about time stopping almost every single Pokemon runs at me. I yelp and run out into the field with a bunch of Pokemon running after me. The Pokemon already in the field stop what they're doing to watch. I stop running and stand there waiting for them to tackle me. Lillie walks in front of me and they skid to a stop a foot in front of her. I look at them appalled. "What the hell?" I question myself. Lillie bends down to pet them. I see the professor walk up to us and he smiles. "Ash your back" He says and sticks his hand out. I hand him Lilligants poke ball so he can transfer it to my mom. I already notified him ahead of time so it would save some trouble. He gets back to us a couple minutes later and hands me the Pokeball back. "Here you are Ash" He says. "Alright let's go see mom" I say and grab Lillie's hand running out of the lab with Pikachu right behind us.

~A/N- Here's a short chapter. Sorry it's a little short but I didn't really have time to make it longe unless you wanted to wait a few more days. Anyway I might be moving. Fun right except where I'm going to move to gets like 100 degrees. Anyway stay cool and I hope you liked this chapter.

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